Correct. Or if you get the LTVP+ they can put her on a Letter of Consent, although without any Foreign Worker levies on EP holders, it's a moot point. However, if she is being offered a position for an EP, it must be, in the MOM's eyes, a position not easily filled by a local. Therefore, the LoC might be the only way to position her to enable employment. There are gates and trap doors everywhere today. But as she doesn't have to worry about the breadwinner losing their EP she is much better placed to successfully find a position.beagene wrote:A question and I hoped I understood correctly from the numerous threads, if she is granted LTVP status, she is still allowed to go for interviews and in the event that a company do offer her a position, the EP will replace the LTVP without any hassle?
Thanks once again guys!
Excellent. I learned the hard way, arriving and having no hard-copy records to evidence my by then archaic (and IMO at that time, irrelevant) qualifications.beagene wrote:To add on:-
- All documents have been prepared and sorted out as per the requirements stated on the website.
Yes, absolutely, without question. IIRC this is either specifically requested on the forms, or there is a 'white space' box to enter such 'additional information'. Anything you can add that makes her more desirable in ICAs/MOMs eyes will only be of benefit to her. Being qualified and experienced to attain roles such as you mention will help set her application apart. Payslips or salary credit entries on bank statements, would probably serve an equal purpose in this regard.beagene wrote:- She is still in the employment of an MNC in Germany. Prior appointment was at a major bank. Should I include that in the submissions of documents? last pay slip etc?
Being a 'trailing spouse' is a curious thing. Some arrive in SG and imagine they can happily sit by the pool all day, and that's what they happily do. Others need to have a sense of personal achievement and fulfilment, which translates into a job, or some 'side-line' even as basic as setting up an EBay sellers account. Some arrive, spend a month by the pool, then realise the sloth is slowly eating them up inside. Like early retirement perhaps, it's often not what you expect of it, you need to work (hard) to fill the gaps in your self-worth that successful employment provided. I know I have tried to describe this here before (some while ago now).beagene wrote:we will be ticking the '+' box for sure as she does not wanna sit around idle at home. Problem is, a month or 2 prior to today, we have been sending out resumes for jobs but to no avail. I am wondering is the workforce climate towards foreigners that cold now?
Should I include details of a property that I own which generates passive income? Will that help?
Cheers guys!
If I might add a comment to this, in case the rational isn't clear.sundaymorningstaple wrote:It could take up to 6 months to find a position, suitable or not (and she may feel like she's been slapped in the face at the salary being offered (especially when they find out she's on a LTVP+). She will need a lot of patience and support from you as it will tend to play hard on the psychic of the job seeker. Especially one who has left a decent position to come here.
I know SCs who became jobless after their spouse was on ltvp and still managed to get their spouse into PR and SC.JR8 wrote:. But I wonder if ICA would know if you lost your job? Or if they allow a window of time for you to find another?
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