parliament to tell absolute lies to the European debate. This is only one link which it doesn't really mention the lies, however you can get a feel of the truth, becuase the UK government, is against giving the people of the UK their fundemental rights and will veto the meeting.
Can you imagine telling the people of UK, that they have no rights, under British law, thats what it boils down to.
But to have parliament to agree, to no referendum on the matter is in my opinion draconic and a long way from my ideals of equal rights. Even worse is that they can lie to the european debate, by telling them the UK would vote no, if it was put to a referendum. Now that is criminal!
The UK higher echelons have changed many British laws, to their own benefit, since joining Europe, so that the UK people cannot get their way! without a costly fight.
Its been Blairs & Browns policy to steal from one to give to another, I read now how desperate pensioners are that they cannot pay their council tax bills, and are being sent to prison, these people are in their 80"s and would rather spend there money on heating in the winter.
What are the people of the UK thinking, to allow the government to walk all over their rights, like this!
Surely they don't want to be oppressed, or maybe the education is that bad, the majority cannot read and comprehend what Blair and the rest of government are up to. Christ talk about Singapore! this reallly gets up my nose

They closed down the mental hospitals and are now, forcing all mental patients onto forced medication because of some murders by psychotics, the word is to detain all those with mental illness and give them a depot injection which lasts a year, then dump them.
What a dangerous country its become, and even though i have never been to the USA, I can draw parallels. Of course the UK doesn't want to become European, they never have, and they never will be, unless the people stand up for themselves and their rights, signing petitions doesn't help, so how does one bring down a government? Guy Fawkes had the right idea!
Guy Fawkes (April 13 1570 – January 31 1606), who was also known as Guido Fawkes, born in York, was an English soldier and member of a group of Roman Catholics who attempted to carry out the Gunpowder Plot on 5 November 1605.
The plot was an attempt to assassinate the Protestant King James I (James VI of Scotland) and the members of both houses of the Parliament of England, by blowing up Westminster Palace during the formal opening session of the 1605 Parliament, in which the king would address a joint assembly of both the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Guy Fawkes was in large part responsible for the later stages of the plan's execution. His activities were detected, however, before the plan's completion. Following a severe interrogation involving the use of torture, and a trial in Westminster Hall by Judge John Popham, Fawkes and his co-conspirators were executed for treason and attempted murder. Guy Fawkes' failure (for some the attempt) is remembered with Guy Fawkes Night (also known as Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night) on November 5.
But that never worked either!