Expect it to be published in full on page 3 of The New Paper tomorrow lol ...zzm9980 wrote:I can't decide if this better fits under the "jokes" or "rubbish" part of the topic name:
Someone should at least tell this kid about the changes to the Entrepass, and basically that Singapore doesn't want him. (Never mind everything else wrong with the post)
Yeah, definitely.Wd40 wrote:After reading the article, I had a quick look at the published date, to see if its an old one.
Clearly this article is atleast 3 years behinds its time.
I read some of his other articles, like the one on Thailand and Hong kong. Suffice to say given his views naive views on many things, particularly on 'sex work' in Thailand even, him calling them 'illegal' is hardly indicative of anything.The fact he thought they were illegal is testament to their treatment here, they obviously seem desperate, incredibly poor and ill-treated to him. All the signs of a stereo typical illegal worker.
Didn't see, but will go check.He has another installment, with the link at the end of his essay. He ended up staying a night in a worker's dorm and saw that Singapore is built by cheap, usually exploited labor. Needless to say, it was a reality-slap-in-the-face.
Royston8H wrote:Why not? It is safe and peaceful though you need to really have money/job to sustain a decent lifestyle here.
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