We are in the early stages of planning to relocate to Singapore with three children and hopefully the dog too! All sounds quite straightforward, but it seems we are unusual in that our children are older and with varying needs. Our eldest is almost 16 and so, we are looking at sixth forms for him.
Can anyone give us any help, advice, suggestions or just some experience of moving with a child (young man really) this age? All the forums have loads of advice for those with young children just starting school.
Our younger Son is 13 and has Down's Syndrome. Again, it seems we are unusual here. I've looked at a few special needs schools and feel visits to them will give me a better idea. AGain, anyone who has relocated with a child with special needs out there?
Last - but not least - our daughter who is 8. She seems to be the easiest to find schooling info about and I think our biggest issue with her will be choosing the right school. Tanglin seems to be thrust at us from all levels and I've no doubt it's a great school. But there must be other good ones - with shorter wait lists?
Really the whole move rests on getting our eldest Son on board. For obvious reasons we are guessing he'll be against the idea completely. So before we turn his world upside down, we want to be clear in our heads we are making the right choice for all of us.
Feeling quite overwhelmed at the moment and whilst we do not want to rush in to anything, we do have the fact that we may have to speed things up slightly to get our eldest in to sixth form by the next school year - eek!
Any response, advice, suggestions, whatever will be greatly appreciated.