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Advice for a newbie

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Advice for a newbie

Post by VeraMM » Thu, 19 Dec 2013 1:39 pm

We have been in Singapore for a month and a half...and have just moved into our rental condo.

I'm confused about where I should begin looking for a helper!
- Almost every maid agency I have googled for feedback, has at least one negative post and some scary ones at that!
- the agency fees are mind boggling and it is a huge risk if the helper doesn't work out
- Some helpful souls have suggested I look for a transfer maid, but how does that work? Where do I begin my hunt, who does all the paper work?

We need a FT ideally who can read and speak English, is a good cook, who can clean well, put away things in the proper place, iron, get groceries, look after my 5-year old when I am out. Am I asking for too much? This is not an ad (before the moderator reprimands me!) I'm just looking for advice and feedback on how to get started.

Thanks for your time.


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Post by PNGMK » Thu, 19 Dec 2013 4:40 pm

Poach a maid from your neighbours. Look for some poor overworked soul looking after a huge family who and is working hard. She'll do the same for you but be far less stressed a lot more effective.

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Post by kookaburrah » Thu, 19 Dec 2013 6:14 pm

VMM replied via the FB app below. This app is really annoying:
You can't possibly be serious editor! Sigh! I'll have to start calling maid agencies and take a chance I guess...
He's only half kidding, VMM. Basic requirements for a maid around here would be, for example:
- that she doesn't electrocute herself/burn the house down with the iron
- the she doesn't dye all your husband's shirts pink on a regular basis
- that she doesn't get herself killed by her construction worker bf and thrown into mcritchie reservoir

Clean well? Maybe.
Reading/writing English? Unlikely.
Put things back in proper place? LAUGH!!

All's fair in love, war, and maid procurement - poaching the neighbour's will seem just fine.

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Post by Beeroclock » Thu, 19 Dec 2013 8:30 pm


Start with a low expectation and you will be pulling your hair out less!

We used a website called which is a not for profit trying to help transfer maids find new owners directly and save then the agent fees. It was very popular about 6-12 months ago but seems completely empty now.... I wonder what happened

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Post by PNGMK » Fri, 20 Dec 2013 12:54 pm

That's what we did. Marivic was working from 6am to 10pm, 7 days a week - no Sunday off. She looked after 3 under 5 yo. She came close to the end of her second year and we were looking for a maid. She mentioned to my wife in the play room (because, you know, we actually talk to maids - not just ignore them - that she was thinking of breaking her contract or not renewing it - my wife said 'would you like to work for us?' - and having seen Marivic at work she wasn't at all concerned about her lack of work ethic). Perhaps we didn't poach her but we certainly picked up a maid we know would be 90% ok and it was at our idiot neighbors loss of a good maid. We know their current maid will not stay on either.

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Post by movingtospore » Wed, 25 Dec 2013 6:06 am

If you have friends who belong to one of the clubs ask them to check the notice boards for you. People will post there when they're leaving and need to help their maid find an employer. A friend of mine was trying to find a new job for her maid actually - pm me if you're still looking and I'll find out if she's still available.

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