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Can I Apply for PR for Stepson Without Husband's Presence?

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Can I Apply for PR for Stepson Without Husband's Presence?

Post by amandajoy » Tue, 17 Dec 2013 9:30 pm

Hi everyone,
I'm so glad to find this forum. I hope I can get some answers/help here. Thanks in advance!

I'm a Singapore-born citizen married to my Australian husband who has a son from previous relationship.
We are currently thinking of relocating permanently to Singapore.

My stepson is under "sole care" of my husband since he was less than 2 years old (he has custody papers stating that) and my stepson never had any contact with the biological mum. We do not know where the biological mum is living either so are unable to contact her for anything.

I understand it would be more straight forward for my husband to apply for Singapore PR simply as my spouse. I also understand my stepson can be 'tagged' on to my husband's PR application and both of them have to be present to submit the application & other documents.

However, this is my question:
If my husband is bound to his current job in Australia and unable to come over with us for now until end of next year at least, can I take my stepson [b]just by myself[/b] for PR application?

I would like my stepson to start Primary 1 in beginning of 2014 as he is turning 7.

[b]Is there such an option where I can apply PR for my stepson just based on the fact that I am his stepmum (or really, only mum since he was 2.5 yrs old?)[/b]

I have not legally adopted him and am not on his birth cert (a whole other process given difficulties in contacting the biological mother etc) so will the Singapore Immigration office recognise me and authorise me to apply PR for him based on [b]his relation to me[/b], if his dad is not able to come over for now?

I would greatly appreciate any help as I am struggling badly to find any answers and I could not find any hotline to ring.
Thanks so much in advance.

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Post by PNGMK » Tue, 17 Dec 2013 10:59 pm

IMHO you need a court order or other authority recognizing that you have guardianship (at a minimum) for this. Didn't you ask this question a few months back?

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Post by beppi » Tue, 17 Dec 2013 11:18 pm

If you are not legally the kid's mother, and his father (and mother) are not PR or citizen, in fact don't even live in Singapore, on what basis would they give the boy PR?!?
I am afraid he will have to initially live in Singapore on some other visa (e.g. student pass), until his father qualifies for PR (after two years or so living here, even as spouse of citizen) or you adopt him.

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