taxico wrote:nakatago wrote:...I remember reading something that you are allowed as long as it's justifiable that you have a knife with you. Maybe the chef didn't say that he was one?
I remember going to the Police headquarters and their metal detectors found my pocket knife (I forgot it was in my bag). They just had me sign a slip and told me to come back for it on my way out.
you cannot carry a dedicated offensive weapon in singapore.
further, you are not allowed to carry defensive weapons/knives in singapore as there is no "stand your ground" law in singapore.
besides the arms and explosive act, the offensive weapons act also comes into play (and probably a whole host of other acts we don't know about).
the law is ambiguous on items that serve other purposes besides being useful for bashing someone's head in - i was stopped and questioned when found with a golf club at an altercation but the police couldn't detain me as i had yet to wield it in an offensive manner.
FYI... the ceremonial swords singapore officers are given when they receive their commission or warrant comes with a black cloth bag that MUST be used when transporting the sword, not to be wily nily hung off hip jeans in public.
+1, once I saw a caucasian arrested in the Budget Terminal, for having a Sword even though he was in Transit, and insisted her wanted to safe-keep and pick it on his way out ..
And .. a police friend here was gifted a Samuari Sword, from his trainer in Japan, and when he received the gift, he was duly informed and given option 1) get the blade blunted before receiving, or 2) have it destroyed
he chose option 1, and whenever we go to his house, I do admire the rest of the workmanship on the sword, ignoring the Blunted edge.
Nakatago: in Malaysia, many natives carry a hockey stick in their cars, as a weapon, and claim they play hockey .. not in SG.
When they come here, they have to leave their sticks behind
heck, even baton like sticks are forbidden here, forget about knifes