For me - let the West split! They live at East's expense anyway. A typical image of Ukrainian West: a small village - nowhere, nothing is there, all people are dead drunk... you imagine!
Btw, I'm reading the news now. Putin is promising A LOT to Ukraine if it joins Customs Union with Russia: much cheaper gas, freedom in trading with Russia, Russian investments in Ukraine etc etc etc (stressing that Customs Union was NOT discussed during Ukrainian president's last visit in Russia). Very enticing - everything but letting Ukraine sign any treaty with EU (same as with NATO years back). Of course, many people think these moves from Putin is abuse, but it doesn't mean we should stop working and go do a revolution - we're economically stagnating long enough already.
Also, during last Orange Revolution, it is those jobless hobos from the West who were especially active. East and South mostly didn't give any crap and Central region were 50/50% (only those who were bored came out) - people were busy working and living as homo sapiens, not as chimpanzees on barricades.
And yes, Orange revolution had success (not as legitimate as outsider may think, btw - everybody just got tired and wanted at least some stability), former opposition did not know what to do with the economy. They had no team, they had no experience. Absolutely not suitable people were assigned on ministerial posts. Economy plunged down with a speed of thunder. The newly elected president got scared soooo much that after 6 months of this "ruling" he had to sack all the government and bring back the old team (with current president as a prime minister that time) to revive at least something. What a circus and disgrace! Just half a year to screw up everything that was built in more than a decade after USSR collapsed!