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Riot in Little India

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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 09 Dec 2013 7:39 pm

hairy legs wrote:
I am in a certain country because I need to make a living and not because I was forced to come here. Likewise, I musty accept that each country / culture is different, so I do make comparisons, but never judge, because at the end of the day, nobody force us to come here.
It's a fair point, but there is still something akin to basic human dignity and human rights. How many of those workers were lied to and scammed on the way here? How many couldn't leave even if they wanted too because they're now in the hole more than when they came here? I'm sure you didn't have to pay an agent or broker for any of the overseas jobs you took (as most of on this forum didn't either).

The foreign labor situation on the 'work pass' end of the spectrum in Singapore is little better than indentured servitude or human trafficking. the US Gov even names Singapore on its "Trafficking in Person's Report". I assure you, 95% of what the US Government does is for financial benefit; it doesn't benefit anyone to put an ally like Singapore who is also a big trade partner on that report unless there is something seriously amiss.

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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 09 Dec 2013 7:46 pm

Wd40 wrote:Tonight's Talking Point programme on Channel News Asia will be based upon the riots. I am going to watch it keenly at 8PM.
I'll keenly await your summary, or a clip on their news site.

I think everyone would do well to re-read this here: ... d_Bouazizi

Please note I'm not suggesting anything, please don't ISA me :D But gahmen needs to tread carefully. There is a 5th Column worth of Bangladeshi's here :D

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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 09 Dec 2013 7:48 pm

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Post by AngMoG » Mon, 09 Dec 2013 8:38 pm

Wd40 wrote:Tonight's Talking Point programme on Channel News Asia will be based upon the riots. I am going to watch it keenly at 8PM.
Watching it. No surprises there - everybody just focusing on the symptoms: alcohol, congregations, jaywalking (sic), private bus transport to LI. Talking a lot of BS...

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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 09 Dec 2013 8:51 pm

AngMoG wrote:
Wd40 wrote:Tonight's Talking Point programme on Channel News Asia will be based upon the riots. I am going to watch it keenly at 8PM.
Watching it. No surprises there - everybody just focusing on the symptoms: alcohol, congregations, jaywalking (sic), private bus transport to LI. Talking a lot of BS...
I like the people calling in asking things like "Why didn't the police use more force, bla bla". The cop is actually impressing me a bit more than I'd expect.

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Post by JR8 » Mon, 09 Dec 2013 9:26 pm

No examination of the causes/symptoms at all ... just, what factually happened on the night.

No surprise :roll:

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Mon, 09 Dec 2013 9:27 pm

Basically the cop and the Foreign workers representative are the only ones who made any sense. The Minister is still only thinking punishment for the rioters instead of looking for the root causes although he did come close in his closing statement but I think reactions based on authority figures in their home country might have been responsible for the increased agitation and the turning over of police vehicles, etc., The accident is not the reason for the riot. It goes much deeper than that and restricting them more is just going to exasperate the problem as they will see it as just more of the same treatment at the hands of Singaporeans.

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Post by Wd40 » Mon, 09 Dec 2013 9:47 pm

In the beginning the cop told the story behind why it happened. I think he said that there was a lady in the bus and the driver. The Indian national tried to board the bus, but he was refused. He then got down and the bus reversed and he came under the bus. The lady who was the attendant, got down the bus to see what happened and then 4 foreign workers got into the bus and started assaulting the lady and the driver. :o

I can see why the mob got angry, they probably angry with the way the bus operators treat them and when this Indian guy was not let into the bus and was later got into the accident, this mob decided to attack the bus.

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Post by JR8 » Mon, 09 Dec 2013 9:52 pm

So like I suggested 'No examination of the causes/symptoms at all ... just, what factually happened on the night.'

Anyway.... over and out!

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Post by thismyvoice » Tue, 10 Dec 2013 12:46 am

Let me see, so you guys are saying that there will be no riot as long as employers treat their workers better. It is nothing to do with culture, habit, mob behavior and drinking. Did riots happen in India because of bad treatment by employers?

Look, I am not defending the greedy employers. I also believe this excuse about not giving payslip is cow excretion. But don't you think it is a little premature and presumptuous to state with any certainty the real cause? 1 of those apprehended is a PR by the way, not a FW. So was it due to high property price and him not being able to buy HDB before 3 years?

These people are far away from home, away from their families and work is tough. They are alone. There could be problems at home. Even if their employers treat them better, higher pay, the condition will still be tough. People do breakdown and get emotional after a few drinks.

This is a very big thing in Singapore. First riot since many Singaporeans were born. They see police car being overturned and ambulance burning. SCDF was there is extract the victim and were pelted. So what is a rational response? Is it any surprise that we have people calling for blood?

Now we have Chantikki saying that the maid stabbed the 16 year old girl because she was mistreated. Can you back this up? She happens to be a neighbour of my colleague's friend who says that the girl is very meek and the family is nice to everyone including the maid. Now who is right and who is wrong? Do you know them? I take my colleague's words with a pinch of salt but the real and sad truth is that a girl died. If you have something bad to say, and you are not sure, swallow it. Have some compassion for the family.

There are what, 200,000 maids in Singapore and there will be some outliers, be it maid or family. It is not easy for foreigners working in Singapore, especially if you are just starting out and on a work permit. However, there are certain iron clad rules in this land. If you break them, you suffer the consequences. And the sad thing is, many other innocent parties will suffer the consequences as well.

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Post by Wd40 » Tue, 10 Dec 2013 1:39 am

thismyvoice wrote:
This is a very big thing in Singapore. First riot since many Singaporeans were born. They see police car being overturned and ambulance burning. SCDF was there is extract the victim and were pelted. So what is a rational response? Is it any surprise that we have people calling for blood?
It definitely is a very big thing, for Singapore. I mean, I was coming back from shopping from 24hrs Fairprice, few hours ago, with my daughter in stroller and we came across a man taking his dog for a walk. Upon, looking at the dog, it suddenly struck me, that Singapore is a country where even dogs are not allowed to bark. Grass is not allowed to grow beyond its specified height and trees are not allowed to sway with the breeze. Such a strict country, first time in 40 years. It definitely is a big big thing.

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Post by Beeroclock » Tue, 10 Dec 2013 8:00 am

Look, I am not defending the greedy employers. I also believe this excuse about not giving payslip is cow excretion. But don't you think it is a little premature and presumptuous to state with any certainty the real cause?
I agree, there are likely to be multiple underlying causes. Also Re: poor treatment of FWs, is that really a "root" cause? When I was taught root and branch analysis you have to keep asking "why?" until you reach the highest levels, which are the roots. If we are following this particular branch there should be higher levels I think... Why are FWs treated poorly? Inadequate laws to stop it / no power to defend themselves / companies under pressure to make profits .... Why? .... Ultimately you end up with root causes such as Greed, preoccupation with the economic growth priority, lack of values such as respect and equality, etc

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Post by PNGMK » Tue, 10 Dec 2013 9:22 am

Well the BS rumours have started... "A malay lady run down".... "Two cops killed but the news has been suppressed".... "the bus driver just turn the corner anyhow and didn't care if people were crossing" (somehow that ones sounds plausible).

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Post by x9200 » Tue, 10 Dec 2013 9:39 am

Again, there are number of reasons (factors) but then one should ask the question, what should be done to address these factors and which can be addressed. Culture and mob behavior does not seem that addressable. Restricting the movement and prohibition is like healing the symptoms not the causes. It is a pretty clear pattern I mentioned earlier that the groups that feel somehow withdrawn from the society tend to get together in public areas. You see it for FDW, you see it for FW as well. Coincident?

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Post by PNGMK » Tue, 10 Dec 2013 9:43 am

In the whole of the world this is very minor incident.

In the history of little India in the last two decades it's been pretty peaceful.

Gahman don't kill little India please!

(But then they killed Bugis and dozens of other places so that's the pattern).

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