It's a fair point, but there is still something akin to basic human dignity and human rights. How many of those workers were lied to and scammed on the way here? How many couldn't leave even if they wanted too because they're now in the hole more than when they came here? I'm sure you didn't have to pay an agent or broker for any of the overseas jobs you took (as most of on this forum didn't either).hairy legs wrote:
I am in a certain country because I need to make a living and not because I was forced to come here. Likewise, I musty accept that each country / culture is different, so I do make comparisons, but never judge, because at the end of the day, nobody force us to come here.
The foreign labor situation on the 'work pass' end of the spectrum in Singapore is little better than indentured servitude or human trafficking. the US Gov even names Singapore on its "Trafficking in Person's Report". I assure you, 95% of what the US Government does is for financial benefit; it doesn't benefit anyone to put an ally like Singapore who is also a big trade partner on that report unless there is something seriously amiss.