firegold 99 wrote:I agree with the last phrase but however Sun Tv is like forums , as a moderator you should know , to cite one good example will be EA Playfish forum. They said the game will coming but actually it is plain rumour that why some forums have its rules .
I have disagree with you again , some do not drink alcohol unless the person is an alcoholic drinker therefore banning may help but company will complain they loose business but they can sell softdrink instead .
Our pioneers will be upset to see this happen as they struggled the early riots in the 60's . Lee Kuan Yew cried and separated Malaysia in 1964-1965 because of riots and fighting issues but there will still problems with law legislation after 60's .They have combat SARS in 2003, h1n1 and deadly virus , dengue , ministerial attitude , hawker not being clean , Bukit Panjang fire/Singtel service and anonymous hacking.
firegold 99, please stop spewing immature bullshit without checking the validity, you're embarrassing yourself and whoever you claim to represent (that would include me)!firegold 99 wrote:I disagree , then i ask you a question , all moderators should know this .
why does some forums block from posting religion topic ?
and you misunderstand the post and i ask you a few questions .
1. The above Qn, why does some forums block from posting religion topic ?
" 6. Threads or posts that are political or religious in nature are not allowed. Unfortunately, past experience has shown that such threads/discussions tend to get out of hand and require excessive maintenance and monitoring by the staff. Threads or posts that are political or religious in nature will be locked or removed without notice. We appreciate your understanding on this position " ( see below ref)
2. Public rumour : There is a lot public rumour , does your moderators here believe in rumours made by public ?
I will post some of the refs .
Chinese or Singaporeans do not drink alcohol unless they are stress
Sia sui!
1. I'm also of Chinese descent (probably like yourself) and I drink regularly because I like it and I socialise with other people over ice cold beer. So you're saying that I'm either alcoholic/stressed?
2. That Thinkquest library is a flop. That's a secondary educational website for homework! And it says nothing about Chinese/Singaporeans drinking when they are stressed or that only certain race/people with alcoholism drink alcohol regularly. Please check your references before putting it out like that.
3. Get your history right. Singapore is NOT the only country with BIG problems. Yes the great LKY and other pioneers did a great job during their time in modernising Singapore, but this is now and frankly, it is unfair to pin to them, like you did, that it is their emotional responsibility for every single thing that has happened since.
4. You wanna talk about racism? How naive and hypocritical of you when in three posts in this thread, you already condoned the very same thing you thought you're fighting against, by suggesting certain nationalities should drive slower and that only certain races have drinking problems.
4. Once again, please stop embarrassing yourself and others.