You can't even imagine how much of acidic food you consume on daily basis. No need to bother about coke.PNGMK wrote:Coke is acidic and corrosive.
Calm down there buddy... Did you completely miss my first two sentences?Sergei82 wrote:WTH C'MOOOOOON!!!!! Many aminoacids act as neurotransmitters and building blocks to hormones and tissues. It doesn't mean their intake should be severely limited. Organism will take what it needs to excite what is necessary elsewhere if you don't provide the nutrient to it. Elsewhere may be liver, kidneys, muscles etc. You want problems with those? You better supply what your organism needs. Excess of glutamine is easily converted into glucose or just burned as energy, that's it!
You start killer-aspartame-like debate with no grounds. You see, there are some people who are sensitive to phenilalanine, therefore (conclusion!) aspartame is bad!
I know one woman, she was allergic to almonds and coconuts. ALMONDS AND COCONUTS ARE BAD BAD BAD!!!!!! Stop eating them, people! You are killing yourself!
I know another one - allergic to alcohol. BAD BAD BAD BAD!!! Don't! Don't drink alcohol!!! Fear of death!!!
Another one was allergic to shrimps. Does anyone here eat shrimps? AAAAWWWMAAAAIIGAAAAAWWWWDDDD!!!!!!!
Should I continue?
I'm not saying its a killer or you will die. I don't even care about MSG in my food, if it makes it taste good. I'll eat it.For the most part, MSG is a safe compound. In the amounts we encounter on a daily basis, a healthy adult has little to worry about.
Stop messing MSG with glutamine in the same basket. We agreed on sodium. Glutamine is safe in any amount per day (of course, if you consume ridiculous amount of something, even water can kill you)Thrandos wrote:For the most part, MSG is a safe compound. In the amounts we encounter on a daily basis, a healthy adult has little to worry about.
They don't break down, they get converted. All amino acids and proteins. Moreover, that glucose is then easily converted to subcutaneous fat and stored on your beer gut.Thrandos wrote:Glutamate does not break down into glucose, like all other proteins and amino acids it is processed and excreted in the urine.
Google potassium and cardiac arrest and you will now why.Sergei82 wrote:So the issue with MSG is not glutamine, but sodium. You can eat a bucket-load of glutamine - the only negative effect on your body will be: you will get fat (lots of calories). Sodium is a bitch. I do wonder why they don't produce monopotassium glutamate instead of monosodium glutamate? That'd have been much healthier!
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