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Siam Laser Clinic in Bangkok?

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Siam Laser Clinic in Bangkok?

Post by Nina1975xx » Fri, 06 Dec 2013 6:48 pm

Hi all,

I want to do a certain laser treatment (Spectra Peel) and got a few BKK addresses that offer this (got them from the company that distributes this type of laser). I've researched online and it seems like Siam Laser Clinic is a good one. However, there is not much to find about it on the internet (only found one post about it on and it was also on list of 'farangfriendly' clinics in the Bangkok Post).

So my question is: does anyone here have experiences here?

The other BKK clinics are: Wellness Clinic, Immagini Clinic, Cosmacare Clinic. But if they have a site it is only in Thai.

I know, dr Prinya also offers Spectra but I did not plan to go that direction, just BKK.

Thank you in advance!

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