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Which factors make expatriation successful?

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Which factors make expatriation successful?

Post by SusanfromMannheim » Thu, 05 Dec 2013 7:35 pm

Dear Expats of Singapore,

Currently, I am working on a research project at the University of Mannheim, Germany. My goal is to better understand expatriation success and some certain influential factors and thus support corporate management of expatriates.

That’s where I need your help! In order to get statistically reliable and relevant results, I need as many participants with different backgrounds as possible - therefore I use all channels I can think of - forums like aswell.

Please support research by filling in this questionnaire (it will only take 15 minutes and is completely anonymous):

Of course - if you are interested in the results of the study - I am going to update you after the analysis of the collected data. Just drop me a note (contact details are provided in the study aswell)!

Thank you so very much for your support!


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Re: Which factors make expatriation successful?

Post by PNGMK » Thu, 05 Dec 2013 7:43 pm

SusanfromMannheim wrote:Dear Expats of Singapore,

Currently, I am working on a research project at the University of Mannheim, Germany. My goal is to better understand expatriation success and some certain influential factors and thus support corporate management of expatriates.

That’s where I need your help! In order to get statistically reliable and relevant results, I need as many participants with different backgrounds as possible - therefore I use all channels I can think of - forums like aswell.

Please support research by filling in this questionnaire (it will only take 15 minutes and is completely anonymous):

Of course - if you are interested in the results of the study - I am going to update you after the analysis of the collected data. Just drop me a note (contact details are provided in the study aswell)!

Thank you so very much for your support!

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Post by SusanfromMannheim » Thu, 05 Dec 2013 7:50 pm

Haha, Sorry, no giveaways... :)

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Post by Beeroclock » Thu, 05 Dec 2013 9:11 pm

How do you define success, from company POV, expat, or both?

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Post by JR8 » Thu, 05 Dec 2013 9:33 pm

Banging unlimited chicks, and having six figures showered on you.

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Post by SusanfromMannheim » Thu, 05 Dec 2013 9:38 pm

Dear beeroclock,

Thank you very much for your interest!
Unfortunately I cannot tell you a lot more about the details of the study, otherwise the participants would be too biased.

If you are interested in the results of the study, I will happily send them to you after the analysis of the data. Just send me a short note with your email adress!

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Post by nutnut » Thu, 05 Dec 2013 9:40 pm

Surely Expatriation success is gained when you get a job in another country and move there?

Not hard really is it.

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Post by JR8 » Thu, 05 Dec 2013 9:41 pm

No ones biased.

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Post by PNGMK » Sun, 08 Dec 2013 6:14 pm


You're probably a bit disappointed we haven't all lined up to take your survey. Let me explain. We see probably a dozen requests a year on this forum for similar things.... most of them are posted by ungrateful postgrad students or similar and result in tears of frustration due to the poorly thought out questions or badly formatted survey monkey pages.

Most of us gave up trying to help after the very poorly thought out last request a month of so back - I remember abandoning the survey half way through when the questions simply made it impossible for me to categorize myself (i.e. the questions were mutually exclusive and I fell into a non-category and died in an endless loop).

So - if you want our interest pony up with something. Maybe a used lottery ticket raffle draw, random gift, a chance at winning a date (for JR8) etc.... make it not so damn boring. Expats crave entertainment.


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Post by nutnut » Sun, 08 Dec 2013 8:49 pm

Yes, in other words... Your survey sucks!

I gave up after your first question that required explained.

Do you work in a country other than your home country - answer, NO, Singapore is my home country, it's where my home is, my family, I do not commute out of it.

Then the explanation was to answer it as if your home country was that you "grew up" in, this again is confusing, what if I grew up in 3 countries, which is my home country by your definition? the one that my parents live in? if that's another one again, which one is it? Should I just use the one on my passport?

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Post by Tanuki » Sun, 08 Dec 2013 8:53 pm

PNGMK wrote:Susan,

You're probably a bit disappointed we haven't all lined up to take your survey. Let me explain. We see probably a dozen requests a year on this forum for similar things.... most of them are posted by ungrateful postgrad students or similar and result in tears of frustration due to the poorly thought out questions or badly formatted survey monkey pages.

Most of us gave up trying to help after the very poorly thought out last request a month of so back - I remember abandoning the survey half way through when the questions simply made it impossible for me to categorize myself (i.e. the questions were mutually exclusive and I fell into a non-category and died in an endless loop).

So - if you want our interest pony up with something. Maybe a used lottery ticket raffle draw, random gift, a chance at winning a date (for JR8) etc.... make it not so damn boring. Expats crave entertainment.

Also, why would someone consider this forum to represent "successful" expat experience? Yes, a lot of the folks on this are/were expats. That doesn't mean everyone had a great time or whatever. What is success?

On top of all this, I get emails/phone calls/snail mail requests bombarding me daily to submit survey after survey. I suspect that if I complied with all those surveys I would have time for little else in life. Thus I ignore all of them.


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Post by beppi » Mon, 09 Dec 2013 5:50 pm

Hahah, I am probably the only one here who tried to answer it, but I am NOT ALLOWED to take this survey!!!
I am currently back in my country of origin, but wanted to answer the questions (appropriately) about my over 15 years in various countries in Asia. The OP seems to not want that ...

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Post by Strong Eagle » Tue, 10 Dec 2013 2:07 am

It's not "expatriation success". It's a psych test that is hoping to get a band of people who have worked overseas to see if they answer differently than the average joe.

"I enjoy a challenge, no matter how difficult it is"? What kind of a question is that? It's a question from your typical profiling test.

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Post by nakatago » Tue, 10 Dec 2013 5:16 am

Strong Eagle wrote:"I enjoy a challenge, no matter how difficult it is"? What kind of a question is that? It's a question from your typical profiling test.
Sounds like a question for people who don't like evaluating what they're about to face if they will answer yes.
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