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by JR8 » Thu, 28 Nov 2013 9:32 am
I was recently in a similar Catch-22 situation, I could not book an appointment at ICA for weeks, not before the expiry of my non-extendible visit pass.
Step - 1
E-mail them, outline the situation and dilemma, ask for their suggested resolution. In a way, that's like putting a written marker down, that you're attempting to do the required/correct thing, but simply cannot.
Step - 2
Expect them to perhaps reply, and say, 'Turn up at 7.30am on Xday or Yday and queue for a walk-in appointment'. Then plan on it being a joyless half-day process. --- What this means is you're not pre-booked, but you're on 'stand-by'. You get seen, when someone else with a fixed-time appointment does not turn up for their time-slot.