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by JR8 » Thu, 28 Nov 2013 10:48 am
I used to work for a few years within a bank department called 'Control and Administration'. It was essentially like a CAO office, internal policing. Low key, but we could wield a stick of any size required, almost like having limitless remit.
If you pay salesmen to produce $, then as night follows day some are going to figure out how to take the mickey. And yes, it's really amazing some of the stuff people will figure out how to do. In Singapore we had a guy set up a 'shadow branch' in a room at the Marina Mandarin hotel, where he produced fake monthly statements for rich Indon clients.
In London, one morning my manager quietly asked me to come to his office. Meanwhile the SFO (Serious Fraud Office) came in and 'raided' and arrested the guy who was sitting next to me 5 minutes earlier. Return, with him gone, and his cube completely stripped clean!!
I had another case of my then manager involved in gambling, and a money borrow/lend scam. When he finally ran out of track he just disappeared one morning (a bit silly as after 15 years in the company, and we all know where you live, where precisely are you going to go? Then again his final borrow (we're talking £5-6 figures) was from a colleague who'd got it from his brother who was serious East End mafia. (He, the perp, actually fled to Red Bank, New Jersey!), but I think the cops were called on him too.