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ordeal after changing tyres

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ordeal after changing tyres

Post by tomyin » Tue, 26 Nov 2013 5:54 pm

I have a 2009 BMW 325I 40km mileage. Regularly maintained at PML and trouble free before I replaced the 4 tyres.

2 days after I changed the 4 tyres at PML service center, four warning lights were suddenly on including ABS,and Brake. PML technician told me that was DSC malfunction warning. One of rear speed sensor were diagnosed faulty and 2 rear sensors were replaced as a result.

Couple weeks later the DSC warning lights were on again. This time 2 front speed sensors were faulty. After fruitless dispute I paid for changing the 2 front sensors with reservation. So far I had spent $900 for 4 new speed sensors in 2 weeks.

Two months later less than 3,000KM driven from replacing 4 new sensors, the DSC warning lights inevitably returned. This time PML informed me the hydraulic unit needs to be changed. The bill size would be $3000-4000.

Can anybody help me understand the possibility that the 4 independently working sensors together with the hydraulic unit all fail almost at same time? Is there a possibility that replacing tyres can cause the DSC problem? Where can I seek alternative service for BMW?

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Post by PNGMK » Tue, 26 Nov 2013 6:49 pm

1. Are the tyres of the same diameter?
2. It's possible for a clumsy tech to damage the sensors. All four is a bit much.
3. I highly doubt the diagnosis given. Try MBW or another independent who has access to 3rd party gear that can read the diagnosis codes.

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Post by tomyin » Tue, 26 Nov 2013 10:38 pm

PNGMK wrote:1. Are the tyres of the same diameter?
2. It's possible for a clumsy tech to damage the sensors. All four is a bit much.
3. I highly doubt the diagnosis given. Try MBW or another independent who has access to 3rd party gear that can read the diagnosis codes.
From my knowledge PML is the only official dealer in Singapore, where can I find alternative workshop to read the code? thanks

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Post by PNGMK » Tue, 26 Nov 2013 11:22 pm

tomyin wrote:
PNGMK wrote:1. Are the tyres of the same diameter?
2. It's possible for a clumsy tech to damage the sensors. All four is a bit much.
3. I highly doubt the diagnosis given. Try MBW or another independent who has access to 3rd party gear that can read the diagnosis codes.
From my knowledge PML is the only official dealer in Singapore, where can I find alternative workshop to read the code? thanks
I'm not saying go to PML. I'm saying go to MBW - they're in the Sin Ming area and they're no offical. At this point you need someone unoffical to tell you what BMW aren't telling you.

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Post by Steve1960 » Wed, 27 Nov 2013 7:13 am

The ABS sensors pick up wheel movement from a reluctor ring on each wheel hub (a toothed metal ring). If any of the teeth are damaged or clogged with dirt / brake dust this could cause error readings. I would suggest you have this checked first.

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