Steve1960 wrote:pretty much everything got held at customs. Then I realised that having descriptions like 'Helium' and 'Hydrogen' on the commercial invoices and packing lists probably wasn't helping

Hahaha, no I expect not!

The one and only time I had to name an entire 'product line' I decided to use the names of islands. It was for internal purposes, so no risk of sending off a package of 'Robin Island' to a customer in Pretoria

A by-product of that piece of work, as I scrabbled for scores and scores more additional names, was that I came to learn about many islands that I'd previously never heard of!
[An example would be the three Pelagie islands between Sicily and Tunisia, I'd never even heard of them! Subsequently one, Lampedusa, started figuring in the news, when African asylum seekers would try and land there and claim EU 'rights etc'.
@ Eagle. I was glancing out the window just now and again saw a guy go by 'feet down'. Don't think he was on anything bigger than a touring-style 250 (if that). Strange, I can't say I've seen people doing this anywhere else.