PNGMK wrote:sundaymorningstaple wrote:And look how well you have turned out in spite of it all.
But wouldn't she (Lynx) be even better if she had done everything her mother wanted? That's the debate here I think.... (not saying Lynx isn't a fine young woman).
I don't think so. Children are their own people. You can guide, encourage and coerce, but I think there's a thin line between ... ... benefiting and potentially damaging the child.
I've said it before, as a youth my best friend was brought up in a 'hideously Catholic' sanctimonious, self-bloody-righteous, 'We're morally and socially superior pillars of society (We're Catholics don't you know; kneel peasant, and kiss my ring!!) family'. They packed him off to perhaps the top sniffiest Catholic school in the country, run by monks. Where old monks, with dirty habits, were apparently in charge and wont and free to try and indulge with their teenage charges.
It really broke him. I remember (for example) him recounting the hell of having all his 12 year old housemates shod in god-less $-worshipping Gucci loafers, whilst 'brother Albert' was vying with 'brother Ezekial' to get into the child-pupils' pants.
- And he went completely off the rails. I know he became a heroine addict. Last time I heard his name, he was living in a squat in Shoreditch (an East End London dive, back then), but had joined a band that had a flash-of-light success (one could argue that band was musically significant, influential well beyond their chart success . That's him doing that nice interlude piece on lead guitar... and that little scrap, is all I have left of him.
No idea where he is now, or even whether he is still alive, I can find no trace. But the way he was brought up really directly led to him finally 'permanently exiting the whole f***ing programme'.