You should have arranged to have had a redirection in place before you moved out.nutnut wrote:But my previous landlady opened some mail addressed to me the day after I moved out and emailed me to tell me they did so.
She's also an unreasonable person in regards to my deposit, so, therefore, I was going to call the police and get her charged with attempted theft.
The older post master at the Towner Road post office is the same... a complete gentleman with a memory like a trap. That PO will become a pile of manure when he retires.katbh wrote:Yep, do not rely on redirection. It is about 90% redirection 10% not. And guess what ... it always seems that the 10% is the important stuff.
But, I have to give it to Singpost for personal service. We got a notification in our new address mail box, about 5 months after our redirection finished, we got a notice in our mailbox to go to some out of the way sorting facility. I was annoyed as I was at home and said why didn't they just deliver it to us. The mail man did not know. When I arrived to collect (hot and bad tempered) the lovely lady behind the counter handed over a package and said that she remembered that we had a re-direction and noticed the parcel.. So regardless of the fact that our redirection had expired a long time before, she personally remembered and sent a note to our new address. Now that would not happen in SOOOO many other countries. But like I alway say...the older Singaporeans are some of the best people in the world. If it had been a 20 something... it would not have happened!
This has been my experience too in SG, as well as the UK. So about 3 months before I know I'm moving, I start a list of all the people/orgs that I expect to receive mail from, that will need redirecting to my new address. Then over the 3 months, as post arrives, I add anyone who was not on my 'starter-list'.katbh wrote:Yep, do not rely on redirection. It is about 90% redirection 10% not.
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