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Post Paid Plans

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Post Paid Plans

Post by RockyRambo » Thu, 03 Oct 2013 7:19 pm


I've done my research on post paid plans for StarHub/Singtel/M1, however, I still have some questions:

1. Do I need to pay a refundable amount SGD 300 or something since I'm an expat?
2. Can I purchase a postpaid SIM card as soon as I land from the retailer? If yes, then are there any suitable retail shops near CBP area? I am asking this because I read somewhere that they will ask for my employment pass. I would be having an IPA letter (the letter that you get before the pass when you arrive from the foreign country) , will that be fine?
3. I am having the following requirements besides basic voice services - a. International Calling (to India) b. Internet Browsing (no 3G stuff but basic web browising/gmail/watsapp, etc.). Any suggestions on this too would be helpful.

Looking forward to a reply.

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Re: Post Paid Plans

Post by zzm9980 » Thu, 03 Oct 2013 8:09 pm

RockyRambo wrote:Hi,

I've done my research on post paid plans for StarHub/Singtel/M1, however, I still have some questions:

1. Do I need to pay a refundable amount SGD 300 or something since I'm an expat?
2. Can I purchase a postpaid SIM card as soon as I land from the retailer? If yes, then are there any suitable retail shops near CBP area? I am asking this because I read somewhere that they will ask for my employment pass. I would be having an IPA letter (the letter that you get before the pass when you arrive from the foreign country) , will that be fine?
3. I am having the following requirements besides basic voice services - a. International Calling (to India) b. Internet Browsing (no 3G stuff but basic web browising/gmail/watsapp, etc.). Any suggestions on this too would be helpful.

Looking forward to a reply.
1) Not sure. I don't remember paying this to Singtel, but i might have. And I think it may have been $250. It also may have to do with which pass you have (WP, EP, etc) and your salary.

2) No, you'll need your pass. I had to use a pre-paid for a few weeks. And no, you probably won't be able to port the number to postpaid.

3) No idea on India. They all have something called 'IDDs' which are cheaper rates, but lower quality connections. If you want the type of data connectivity you described you need a data plan. That's generally referred to as '3G' (although the term is being misused). Based on the type of browsing habit you describe, you won't need much data. I'd suggest Singtel's Hi Card because they have a 200MB for 30 days for $10 option. If you don't use it all up and renew within the 30 days, the unused data rolls over. They also have a 500mb for $15 option. You can buy that the first time, and then keep renewing with the cheaper option to keep the excess data balance. It's a nice trick.

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Re: Post Paid Plans

Post by RockyRambo » Thu, 03 Oct 2013 9:25 pm

zzm9980 wrote:
RockyRambo wrote:Hi,

I've done my research on post paid plans for StarHub/Singtel/M1, however, I still have some questions:
Looking forward to a reply.
1) Not sure. I don't remember paying this to Singtel, but i might have. And I think it may have been $250. It also may have to do with which pass you have (WP, EP, etc) and your salary.

2) No, you'll need your pass. I had to use a pre-paid for a few weeks. And no, you probably won't be able to port the number to postpaid.

3) No idea on India. They all have something called 'IDDs' which are cheaper rates, but lower quality connections. If you want the type of data connectivity you described you need a data plan. That's generally referred to as '3G' (although the term is being misused). Based on the type of browsing habit you describe, you won't need much data. I'd suggest Singtel's Hi Card because they have a 200MB for 30 days for $10 option. If you don't use it all up and renew within the 30 days, the unused data rolls over. They also have a 500mb for $15 option. You can buy that the first time, and then keep renewing with the cheaper option to keep the excess data balance. It's a nice trick.
Hi..Thanks for the reply..This means unless I have the EP, I can't get the post paid connection? Is there a way to confirm this? Like, I should call the company and ask?
I've found the SmartSurf HD plans by StarHub over here: ( pretty decent for my requirements.
Since, I am on a Q1 pass (employment pass) for long term (at least 2 yrs), it makes sense to get a postpaid connection ASAP than using a pre paid for long.
I have a monthly salary of SGD 5300, would I still have to pay the 'security deposit'?

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Post by zzm9980 » Thu, 03 Oct 2013 10:12 pm

I don't know if Starhub will require it. You should call and ask. I personally hate Starhub and wouldn't recommend them. When I have used them (And those I know with it) have terrible coverage gaps in the places I frequent.
Also, if you're buying an LTE device it is readily acknowledged their LTE coverage is much less than M1 or Singtel.

I'd suggest buying the pre-paid SIM and thoroughly testing the service where you live, work, and anywhere else you plan to frequent before committing to a post-paid plan. This goes for any carrier you choose.

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Post by RockyRambo » Thu, 03 Oct 2013 10:22 pm

zzm9980 wrote:I don't know if Starhub will require it. You should call and ask. I personally hate Starhub and wouldn't recommend them. When I have used them (And those I know with it) have terrible coverage gaps in the places I frequent.
Also, if you're buying an LTE device it is readily acknowledged their LTE coverage is much less than M1 or Singtel.

I'd suggest buying the pre-paid SIM and thoroughly testing the service where you live, work, and anywhere else you plan to frequent before committing to a post-paid plan. This goes for any carrier you choose.
Thanks..That would be a prudent approach..and I can buy the IDD calling cards may be as well for some time..I'll be staying at the CBP area..So would you recommend to start with Singtel / M1 for prepaid and then test for myself?
And yes, I already have a Samsung S3 so wouldn't look at a contract with a handset.
Last edited by RockyRambo on Thu, 03 Oct 2013 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Tanuki » Thu, 03 Oct 2013 10:23 pm

I was at StarHub today to look into getting an iPHone 5s. On top of my EP card, they required a proof of billing (never did quite figure out what that is) or a copy of the TA (not in my hands yet) so they booted me...

Not sure about the overall coverage, but StarHub at least has a good deal in that they'll give me $350 buy back for one of my older 4s iPhones. I have not been able to see that the other carriers here do that. If I've missed something I'd be glad to go with M1...

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Post by RockyRambo » Thu, 03 Oct 2013 10:29 pm

Tanuki wrote:I was at StarHub today to look into getting an iPHone 5s. On top of my EP card, they required a proof of billing (never did quite figure out what that is) or a copy of the TA (not in my hands yet) so they booted me...

Not sure about the overall coverage, but StarHub at least has a good deal in that they'll give me $350 buy back for one of my older 4s iPhones. I have not been able to see that the other carriers here do that. If I've missed something I'd be glad to go with M1...
Hi, did they ask for any sort of 'security deposit' if one is not buying the handset? I will not be buying any so will just need a phone plan.
Moreover, I am finding starhub less pricey than singtel. Comparing their post paid plans as mentioned below: ... d/standard

What are your views on the above links?

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Post by katbh » Fri, 04 Oct 2013 6:40 am

All I have is Singtel experience. With EP did not need proof of address and did not have to pay deposit. But yes, you do need and EP and can not get a post paid plan if you are not a 'resident'. You are not considered a resident if you are not Citiz, PR, EP, DP or SP. So wait for your pass.

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Post by Tanuki » Fri, 04 Oct 2013 6:41 am

RockyRambo wrote: Hi, did they ask for any sort of 'security deposit' if one is not buying the handset? I will not be buying any so will just need a phone plan.
Moreover, I am finding starhub less pricey than singtel. Comparing their post paid plans as mentioned below: ... d/standard

What are your views on the above links?
I didn't enquire about that, as I'll be getting a phone in the new plan, when I finally set it up.

SH is a little more cost friendly but I guess it depends on the quality of the service. I don't see the value in going to post-paid, myself and I'd stay with pre-paid as you really just pay for what you use there.

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Post by zzm9980 » Fri, 04 Oct 2013 8:21 am

Tanuki wrote:I was at StarHub today to look into getting an iPHone 5s.
You really should consider Singtel or M1. Much better LTE coverage. M1 even has pre-paid LTE. If you live near the coast (or spend a lot of time near it), M1 will be better because it runs LTE on a different band near the coasts. This is done to solve the issue of jumping between local and Indo/Malayasian carriers. Because the signal will be on a diff freq and have less competition, apparently your phone will be less likely to jump.

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Post by Tanuki » Fri, 04 Oct 2013 9:16 am

zzm9980 wrote: You really should consider Singtel or M1. Much better LTE coverage. M1 even has pre-paid LTE. If you live near the coast (or spend a lot of time near it), M1 will be better because it runs LTE on a different band near the coasts. This is done to solve the issue of jumping between local and Indo/Malayasian carriers. Because the signal will be on a diff freq and have less competition, apparently your phone will be less likely to jump.
Yea, I read that in some blurbs this week so that's a good feature for sure. It's nice that SH has the buyback set up, but then again I can sell this 4s on my own and get some reasonable return on it. M1 does seem to have a solid network. Thanks!

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Post by jk21 » Fri, 04 Oct 2013 10:59 am

We are in process of getting an account and my partner is deep in those details.

To buy us time, we started by buying SIM card at airport upon landing. Had unlocked the phone before leaving the states. Have been topping up the card to have ongoing cell phone with data. Makes for a useful patch while dealing with setting up the formal Account.

For the SIM card, needed passport and maybe IPA. We were doing it at 1am so I am a bit fuzzy on the details but we did it before we got the official passes.

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Post by katbh » Fri, 04 Oct 2013 12:45 pm

all you need for SIM card is passport. You do not need an EP.


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Post by RockyRambo » Fri, 04 Oct 2013 3:12 pm

katbh wrote:All I have is Singtel experience. With EP did not need proof of address and did not have to pay deposit. But yes, you do need and EP and can not get a post paid plan if you are not a 'resident'. You are not considered a resident if you are not Citiz, PR, EP, DP or SP. So wait for your pass.
Thanks katbh. Although an IPA letter has everything written over it including the salary but they might still stress for an EP. Hence, I will have to buy a prepaid first. Would you mind sharing the post paid plan that you got hold of?

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Post by katbh » Fri, 04 Oct 2013 5:44 pm

It was just the standard cheapest singtel plan with an iphone handset. We shopped around for all our phones - the family has 8 in all - but they all were much of a muchness. But the advantage with Singtel was that we could put a few on a student plan which meant phone calls between the family phones were free.

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