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Primary education for 3.5 year old Indian kid

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Primary education for 3.5 year old Indian kid

Post by hemantj » Tue, 01 Oct 2013 2:18 pm

Hello Folks,

We have recently relocated to Singapore from India, and I have a son aged 3.5 years who needs to be enrolled in school now in Singapore. He has already been to pre-nursery while in India and now I intend to start him with formal schooling.

Basis the information that I gathered, there are 2 types of schools in Singapore - Local Singapore Schools and International Schools. Have heard of merits and demerits for each, and this is not to demean any school as such, am putting a query here for my information sake.

Though we plan to stay in Singapore for long, but am just also keeping in mind if something unforeseen comes up and one needs to return to India. So I have few questions:

1. In case someone is studying in Singapore local school for few years and then returns to India and wants to continue education there (from where he/she left), are there some issues in that? I mean do Indian schools acknowledge other countries' education system at par and admit the kids from where they left?

2. How is the standards of Indian International Schools in Singapore vis-a-vis local Singaporean schools - both in terms of Academics as well as Extra-curricular?

3. Is adjustment difficult for a small kid (like mine is 3.5 years old) in a completely non-Indian (or even non-Hindi) environment?

4. In any case, can someone please suggest some good local and international schools around LakeSide area?


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