v4jr4 wrote:Otherwise, you can try to boil it (although there's no guarantee that the strange taste will go).
It often doesn't go away despite boiling.
I find SG tap water hit and miss. Even the same restaurant can have odourless tap water sometimes, while the other time the taste is just unbearable.
I can definitely taste the difference between tap water and bottled water. I guess the way one was used to while growing up also make a difference. If most of your life you were drinking bottled water and then suddenly you switch to tap water, you can feel that it taste different, I would say worse.
I don't know if others have the same observations, but for me it is often a "ground" smell and taste associated with SG tap water. It didn't go away after 2.5 years as I am here.
Probably after 30 years of drinking only tap water, you don't feel or you don't want to feel the difference anymore. Let's face it that bottled water is another useless (in most views) expense in this already expensive country. That's why as long as tap water is drinkable most people won't complain much