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Women earning more than men - has it come to Singapore?

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Post by earthfriendly » Thu, 26 Sep 2013 12:59 am

Hannieroo wrote:But that is extremes. I have two very well rounded boys and a husband in a very male dominated field and none of them feel any if that is appropriate.
Based on my observation, majority of the population is conformistic. They accept the status quo without questioning why is it neccessary to do it a certain way, even at the expense of their personal happiness. And they don't seek out an alternative lifestyle or way of that may actually suit them better.

I have an independent and science oriented hubby. He likes to do his own thing and not into team sports or team-anything. He is questioning when it comes to the sciences but when it comes to social behaviors, he has fallen into one of the category SE outlined above. We are working thru these issues as a couple.

Posts: 1988
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Re: Women earning more than men - has it come to Singapore?

Post by earthfriendly » Thu, 26 Sep 2013 1:17 am

Strong Eagle wrote:
Then, take a look at your average modern guy... still stuck in outmoded and useless gender roles... the macho guy, the "don't show feelings" guy, the "all life is a joke" guy, the guy who sees women as sex objects, the guy who has an almost obsessive fixation on sports as the end all, be all.
The social pressure is too great and most people (male and female and even children) cave in. And some just don't know there is an alternative because they are surrounded by people with same same way of thinking. You are doing a much-needed service in spreading this idea, that it does not have to be biz as usual. Letting people know it is ok to give themselves permission and the freedom to break out of the mould, to choose a different path.

Our school music teacher, someone who is in touch with who he is. Authentic, easy-going and a pleasure to deal with. When I see him holding the hands of the kindergardeners, his nurturing demeanor, I see a healthy male role model to the girls and boys in school. We are very lucky to have him. A breath of fresh air.

When I have to communicate to him via email, it is one of "nurturing" tone. What makes this possible? It is because of both of our personalities.

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