sundaymorningstaple wrote: ... I donate half of my life outside of work to the local Residents committee with no problem (and that's a government organization (People's Association). You'll be fine as long as you don't go demonstrating outside of Parliament or something stupid like that.
I don't donate half my life, but a fair share .. not as great as SMS though I guess ..
singapore eagle wrote:
I get the impression that organisations like HOME and TWC2 aren't on quite as friendly terms with the government as the PA.
Since I did some work for the two organisations at one time or other, and from what I know, there is no love lost .. they do get consulted and also some cases get referred to them.
for that matter, TWC2 had a bit of an IFFY relationship due to some of the past board members were on to attacking all-things-PAP, without offering alternates / solutions, and that has stopped of late ..
HOME - well, Home is indirectly assisted by various Embassies ... they have no falling out with the govt too (from what I know .. )
The issue with most migrant workers support group is, many a foreigner decide to take on the govt .. like the rule that says maids can't get pregnant, well, that's the Singapore govt rule, so why would you want to use a pregnant maid as a front to annoy the govt - for example ? That's where things fall apart.
BTW, MWC has plans to supplement the current support structure in place for Foreign workers .. and FYI, they too aren't always on a buddy-buddy level with the Govt/MOM, even though MWC is part of NTUC ..