I have my doubts whether you will even get an LTVP. At least not for a couple of years I suspect.mudassarfarooq wrote:Hello Every one.
I need help about procedures of sg to marry and sg citizen.
Am Pakistani working now in Saudi Arabia. am going to marry a sg citizen i just need to know what is the procedure and how long its take if she apply for me LTVP after marry can i get in 60 days while am on 89 days visa for 1st time . am 29 year old.
after getting LTVP how long i have to wait to apply for PR and what is procedure and how long its take to approve/refuse.
when i get PR can i travel to the countries like canada UK as sg citinzin travling (easy to get visit pass).
sorry for my English.
Please answer clearly as i want to settle in sg after marry to her.
Thanks in Advance
If possible try to live with your wife in your current country/s for a few years first before moving back - this is to show the stability and seriousness of the marriage.mudassarfarooq wrote:which way i cant stay longer in SG after Marry is there any way.
am not high educated am working here as a skilled labour so please suggest me some thing of you can. Thanks
Is LTVP more difficult to secure than a dependent pass for an EP holder? Whats the rationale behind this other than trying to subvert Marriages of convenience? This is being too harsh on SC/PRsundaymorningstaple wrote:I have my doubts whether you will even get an LTVP. At least not for a couple of years I suspect.
bloodhound123 wrote:Is LTVP more difficult to secure than a dependent pass for an EP holder? Whats the rationale behind this other than trying to subvert Marriages of convenience? This is being too harsh on SC/PRsundaymorningstaple wrote:I have my doubts whether you will even get an LTVP. At least not for a couple of years I suspect.
It's always been like that. When I got married here 29 years ago, I had to sign a statement at the ROM that said, be being granted a Marriage License to a Singapore citizen, it would, in no way, be a means to Permanent Residence. It took me another 11 years to gain my PR. Yes, the LTVP is much more difficult as the DP, provided the marriage is a valid marriage, is easy to get, if you are an EP holder. The thought behind that is that the EP holder will leave once the EP expires and the dependent will follow., However, in the case of the SC/PR, they are around for a while and they are just protecting them from scamming neighbouring country's female predators. Or, protecting Singaporean women from neighbouring men just trying to gain a foothold in Singapore who will just leave their spouses once obtaining PR. This happens a lot from the poorer Asian neighbours.bloodhound123 wrote:Is LTVP more difficult to secure than a dependent pass for an EP holder? Whats the rationale behind this other than trying to subvert Marriages of convenience? This is being too harsh on SC/PRsundaymorningstaple wrote:I have my doubts whether you will even get an LTVP. At least not for a couple of years I suspect.
mudassarfarooq wrote:Hello Every one.
I need help about procedures of sg to marry and sg citizen.
Am Pakistani working now in Saudi Arabia. am going to marry a sg citizen i just need to know what is the procedure and how long its take if she apply for me LTVP after marry can i get in 60 days while am on 89 days visa for 1st time . am 29 year old.
Inform ROM of your intention to get married to SC. Make sure you are able to get into Singapore on regular visit pass first before coming for ROM. Then apply for LTVP using your marriage certificate. Whether it will be approved or not, it all depends on ICA. How long it will take? Some said it took only one day, some said it took weeks. Also depends on ICA in your case.
For procedures, look up ICA website for LTVP. Very easy to look for.
after getting LTVP how long i have to wait to apply for PR and what is procedure and how long its take to approve/refuse.
For successful application, apply PR after 3 years of marriage or once you have a SC child (preferably a son). Apply under Family Scheme (take note that you must undergo National Service. More info on ICA website for PR application.
If that fails, you can still try LTVP+. Info also in ICA website.
when i get PR can i travel to the countries like canada UK as sg citinzin travling (easy to get visit pass).
No. PR is not citizenship. Your restriction (visa or no visa) to travel to other countries applies to your Pakistan passport, not Singapore PR.
sorry for my English.
Please answer clearly as i want to settle in sg after marry to her.
If you fail to settle in SG after marrying her, I suggest she lives with you in your current residence in Saudi Arabia. After all, you marry her for love right?
Thanks in Advance
let me chime inmudassarfarooq wrote:Every Country have rules and reg to marry and stay. am just wondering why no one have correct answer at this form what i really want to know. and my question is really basic. Thanks everyone for replying.
It would appear, by the rather silly snide remark, that the OP didn't get the answer he was looking for. Or should I say, his ruse was readily apparent?mudassarfarooq wrote:Every Country have rules and reg to marry and stay. am just wondering why no one have correct answer at this form what i really want to know. and my question is really basic. Thanks everyone for replying.
nah, you will be surprised how many people still believe the world owes them an answer - correct and accurate answer ..sundaymorningstaple wrote:It would appear, by the rather silly snide remark, that the OP didn't get the answer he was looking for. Or should I say, his ruse was readily apparent?mudassarfarooq wrote:Every Country have rules and reg to marry and stay. am just wondering why no one have correct answer at this form what i really want to know. and my question is really basic. Thanks everyone for replying.
Wrath. I love that word. Reminds me of the mythological books I used to read as a kidecureilx wrote:nah, you will be surprised how many people still believe the world owes them an answer - correct and accurate answer ..sundaymorningstaple wrote:It would appear, by the rather silly snide remark, that the OP didn't get the answer he was looking for. Or should I say, his ruse was readily apparent?mudassarfarooq wrote:Every Country have rules and reg to marry and stay. am just wondering why no one have correct answer at this form what i really want to know. and my question is really basic. Thanks everyone for replying.I dread to imagine what kind of wrath they can unleash on you .. should you fail to do their bidding
Simple as that ..
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