Contary to lasik, implantable contact lens can be done for people not suitable for lasik ie lazy eye. Was wondering if anyone here did one in Thai or anywhere else that's cheaper than in Sing. The avg cost here is 10K.
Safer to do it in singapore. I think it is worth the money to avoid any unwanted risk. Do remember its intention is to be in there permanently so cannot afford to take any risk.
I'm actually interested in getting this done too... for degree/ colour. I know it's not available in singapore and i've read some scary posts and saw scary picture botch jobs. If anyone managed to get this done safely and successfully, could you please share your experience/ pm me?
Would like to rejoin, but after I email them didn’t get any reply yet :(
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I saw a video of a lady who wanted to rejoin. She emailed daily for a week and got a response. If you're looking to contact them by phone, good luck....