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questions on benefits of cathay pacific sin base crew

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questions on benefits of cathay pacific sin base crew

Post by angel--ina » Thu, 05 Sep 2013 7:57 pm

any cx crew here willing to share more abt the benefits for sin base crew?

how long is the bond? how much to pay if u break yr bond?
how much can u take home after CPF monthly?
beside monthly salary.. any other bonus?
any other destination u fly to beside sin- hkg- bkk- sin?

thank u very much

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Re: questions on benefits of cathay pacific sin base crew

Post by crumpler » Fri, 06 Sep 2013 3:06 pm

angel--ina wrote:any cx crew here willing to share more abt the benefits for sin base crew?

how long is the bond? how much to pay if u break yr bond?
how much can u take home after CPF monthly?
beside monthly salary.. any other bonus?
any other destination u fly to beside sin- hkg- bkk- sin?

thank u very much
Taken from previous post:

let me advise you on the routes which u will be flying if u are selected.

SIN-HK (day 1)
HK-BKK-SIN (day 2)

SIN-BKK-HK(day 1)
HK-SIN(day 2)

you will be doing this pattern 3 times, then will get 2 days rest..
remember that all allowance will be paid in hk dollars when u check in at the hotel.
As for the flying allowance, u will only be paid when the engine start and when the engine stop. Which is about <4hrs for a sin-hk flt. Smile

Please also take note to those who will get selected. when u reach there for training, u will need to pay for dental for cx to keep a dental record. This was not mentioned during our offer session


Pay wise i heard from a friend after CPF is about SGD$1k++ - slightly less than 2k ( But for the outport allowance is in HKG Dollarsand is so weak now)

... kinda low pay in my opinion.

It's basically quite similar to Silkair. But only SIN-HKG back to SIN (Passengers profile are usually Singaporeans and PRC)

Add on....As those experiences crew should know that HKG turn is the worst flight ever with lots of demand and request withthin a 3.5hours flight with FULL MEAL SERVICE some more! Faint!

There are so many alternatives right now. I guess if you are looking for a better destinations to work in u should try Scoots, JQ,SIA & JAL (They are hiring almost every month) coz the places they fly to are so much better than CX

I hope it clear your doubts and think twice before u apply Smile Confused

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