I gave up my SG SC years ago as I cannot keep up with the PR BS for the wife as she is non SG and has been a PR for a long time. As you said you need to be more than 184 days a year in order to keep the PR which is a hard act to follow for us. Our children are all over the world. One in US , One in UK , the two girls back in OZ. All single pursuing their own careers.
I have homes in Motala, Melbourne and Semarang. The wife and I decided to let go our SC citizenship as we find there is no more feelings of "home" for us in SG.
Did we make the right call ? I do not know but I am glad it was done
Did we regret for making this call ? Not really .
For me once you make a decision, through thick and thin you stick with it like a glue.
A General in the army did advise me once and till this day it is always been my principle
He said
A Bad Leader is not a leader than makes bad decision but a Bad Leader is a Leader that does not make ANY decision at all.