I'm not resident and considering an opportunity to setup a small internet startup in Singapore. Read a lot of information on IRAS but still can't get several points.
1. To use tax exemption: "A company is resident in Singapore if the control and management of its business is exercised in Singapore" - what does that mean? What requirements except nominee local director should I comply to obtain resident status?
2. If we start but not as resident (for the first year) could it be possible to become resident later (from the second year) and to get tax exemption for startup?
3. And last but not least. Can we open a local bank account without being required beneficiaries to come in Singapore? I like OCBC offer for startups but not sure.
Thanks in advance

Not sure is it allowed? But also I look for professional advice in these steps. Because (as I said before) I'm not a resident atm.