I think it's utterly outrageous and just goes to show how vindictive these folks (government agencies in UK, US, etc.) can be when they know they don't have to account for their actions.
The anti-Snowden retribution reminds me of an event that happened 24 years ago today:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Car ... Dutch_raid
... and the follow-up draconian legislation that was inserted into a bill after it had been debated in the House of Commons (seen by some as trying to retroactively justify the earlier illegal action):
http://www.partyviberadio.com/forums/ra ... aw-uk.html
TLDR summary - the UK government granted themselves and their agents authority to board and/or seize any ship (registered under any flag) in international waters if it was suspected of having broadcast equipment installed. Complete immunity was also granted for any actions taken.
Conclusion - 'the powers that be' want to stay in control of the flow of information and entertainment, and don't like it when people act outside of their ambit.