bloodhound123 wrote:I think you should be ok. Were you charged under Immigration Act 15(1) for unlawful presence in Singapore? This is NOT a criminal offense if you don't overstay by more than 90 days, in case of which there is a mandatory custodial sentence and caning.
However this would surface everytime you make a new application either for pass applications/PR applications and you would need to declare it. If I were you I would write a letter stating my momentary lapse at that time and stating reasons/evidence as to why I would not commit this offense/any offense again.
hi !
Yes, the letter stated Section 15(1),Chapter 133.
And I have to pay fine $100 together with my new card fee $80 by enets .
My first idea is to call or email to explains, but I don't even know where should I start. My case seem pretty much slum dunk, don't even ask me for any explanation nor my presence .
So this morning I call one of my friend who work in HR to ask her opinion and she said my case like that are not uncommon especially for WP holders. Incompetent HR and blur blur employees did that kind of mistakes.Oooops ! She tell me not to sweat it, sure I have a black spot with ICA here and that will follow me forever but this matters doesn't concern with visa applications for other countries.
So there is that, but I am still hanging on the cliff .
x9200 wrote:OP, unless the period 5-14 counts to you annual leave you may have much serious bomb ticking in your closet.
Count to my annual leave? May I ask you to elaborate a bit further? Thanks!
ecureilx wrote:I may be wrong, but no and no ..
overstay, but just a warning is good to go ..
Been there, done that .. and recently, assisted a person who had also overstayed for 2 weeks, due to some mix up in date ..
What happened was - Online extension say, you arrive on 1st of a month, apply extension on 15th, the extended visa runs from expiry of previous visa, i.e. from 30th day, another 30 day
Now if you go to the counter, on the 20th day of your first arrival, they stamp 30 day from the day they extend .. that was the mix up recently ... and when went back to ICA to extend again, they asked to write a love letter stating the reason, gave a fine to be paid, and a letter and that wsa it ..
Now if the person was charged, severity varies ..
PS: I am not encouraging overstaying but .. don't tempt your fate, if you can avoid it ..
Hi thanks for the words.
I am just grateful that I will be working here 3 more years and times to plan ahead.
Can I ask is there anyone with a brush of taint in the past like me, but still able to make a living here in singapore?
I know things varies from individuals to individuals, but if I am sure that there is no way that I can secure any more pass in the future, I need to go for PlanB.
I do have strong family ties(parents are PR,siblings are citizens) and finish my education here. They are the only reason I tried that hard to remain in lion city.