brian_singapore wrote:Hi,
I'm hoping I'm not going to be flamed for this question. I surely thought it would have been covered adequately in the forums, but perhaps I'm not searching properly or more likely the search terms are simply too generic and end up hitting a vast quantity of the threads across this forum.
I'm looking for a template for a Singapore resume. I've done some searching on recruitment sites, on google and using the search functionality for this forum. I've heard Singaporean companies usually expect things like a photo, details on citizenship, ethnicity, religion etc. I've seen examples of this on CVs from other countries in the region. I'm looking for the specific norms for Singapore.
Most of the recruitment sites give general tips but not a specific format or listing of what is expected. Most templates I've found online don't contain any of the above information and look no different from western style (CAD/US) CVs. I'm not sure if this is because the expectations are essentially the same and I'm the one out of the loop, or I'm not coming across the correct information.
Could someone help me out and either point me to a good template or at least provide a listing of what would be expected?
Edit: Completed a paragraph
Hi Brian,
CVs from around the word, particular those used in Europe and Asia, tend to be quite similar with minor differences so you can readily use those templates and customized it slightly;
Step 1: Download any standard CV template of your choice from the internet for free, for example, one from
Step 2: Add a photo (next to your name) and nationality (by personal details) at the top of the CV
Step 3: Fill it up with your personal information
That’s it.
Note: Make sure you follow all the other important guidelines regarding CVs: no more than 2 A4 pages long, no spelling or grammar mistakes, no long paragraphs of text, nicely presented, etc.
Some information - like gender for instance - may be unnecessary as that information can be derived from your name and photograph IMO.
Hope this helps.