Well, where I am at they block a lot of sites now, but mostly due to fear of data leakage, or of introducing viruses on the company PCs...the lynx wrote:If SME offices really ban Facebook in the office network like they should have, that will be very helpful.x9200 wrote:This, but also on the other side: how many average employees do their work efficiently? If they are rather poor in this, the only way to have the job done is to make them working longer.zzm9980 wrote: I would agree. I also think a lot of those crummy bosses are unqualified people from the same labor pool promoted for any reason other than qualifications. When you give a clueless idiot a bit of power, they become jerks.
My previous company however, had the genius idea at some point to have internet access on WHITELIST basis (as opposed to blacklist). You could only access to sites that were on the list, everything else was blocked by default. https was also still accessible, so tunnelling still worked. That's great if you try to do research about competitors, for example...

Productivity does not come from having staff work specific hours, forced overtime or even blocking non-productive sites. It comes from setting clear goals and/or KPIs, taking appropriate actions if they're not met, and rewarding if exceeded.