Nearly a third of the 1,350 people polled believed that lead singer Annie Lennox sings: "Sweet dreams are made of cheese/Who am I to disagree?"
The lyrics of country singer KD Lang's song Constant Craving, which came in third with 20% of votes, were misunderstood as "Can't Stand Gravy".
I used to think that in his most excellent song The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald, Gordon Lightfoot was singing about "... the big lake they call 'Get Your Goolies' "
... And that Ray Parker Junior was singing about "Those Bastards."
Oh boy, I couldn't stop myself from doing a Google search and here are the All Time Funniest 100 Lyrics, according to (Hendrix fans will get the reference), including:
Madonna: Like a Virgin -
"Like a virgin, touched for the thirty-first time."