Monty Python and the Freemasons - The Architect Sketch
"I've got a second-hand apron..."

+1.v4jr4 wrote:
At this point, I'm not sure if those diploma courses can help you.
How about this: try this tool from MoM ->
No one can guarantee the result provided by the tool and the real result, but give it a try (although 2200 for O&G is too cheap, I think).
It says im likely to hold S passv4jr4 wrote:At this point, I'm not sure if those diploma courses can help you.midhunrahul wrote:In addition to that Ive done few dipoma courses on Industrial Automations and AutoCAD.midhunrahul wrote: thanks.. for the same sir.
How about this: try this tool from MoM ->
No one can guarantee the result provided by the tool and the real result, but give it a try (although 2200 for O&G is too cheap, I think).
It say you're likely but it doesn't say that you will get it. It is just a guidance tool.midhunrahul wrote:It says im likely to hold S passv4jr4 wrote:At this point, I'm not sure if those diploma courses can help you.midhunrahul wrote: In addition to that Ive done few dipoma courses on Industrial Automations and AutoCAD.
How about this: try this tool from MoM ->
No one can guarantee the result provided by the tool and the real result, but give it a try (although 2200 for O&G is too cheap, I think).
Kindly advise what you entered under the following categories of the SAT:midhunrahul wrote:It says im likely to hold S pass
2200Mi Amigo wrote:Kindly advise what you entered under the following categories of the SAT:midhunrahul wrote:It says im likely to hold S pass
Fixed Monthly Salary (in SGD): (presumably you entered $2200?)
Occupation: ?
Total Years of Working Experience: ?
Years of Working Experience in Singapore: ?
Number of Education: ?
Indeed, and this is what I indicated in my second post above, but the OP seems determined to ignore that point.sundaymorningstaple wrote:This means he has enough that they will accept his application for consideration. It does not mean he will be ultimately given a work visa. It just means he meets the criteria to apply only.
Good point.v4jr4 wrote:Additionally, each company has a quota for S-Pass holder. If the company doesn't have enough, well...
midhunrahul, if you do manage to secure a job offer and the employer submits an S Pass application, please do update this thread with the outcome as that may be helpful to other people in future.midhunrahul wrote:2200Mi Amigo wrote:Kindly advise what you entered under the following categories of the SAT:midhunrahul wrote:It says im likely to hold S pass
Fixed Monthly Salary (in SGD): (presumably you entered $2200?)
Occupation: ?
Total Years of Working Experience: ?
Years of Working Experience in Singapore: ?
Number of Education: ?
exp:0-1year(no other option for fresher)
Singapore exp:0-1yr.
Dude! With a bachelors degree from an Indian university and no experience, you are really aiming for the moon, in terms of expecting a job offer in Singapore.midhunrahul wrote:SUGGESTION REGARDING S PASS!!!WILL I GET???URGENT!!!PLS!!!
hi every one,Im Midhun Rahul from India. Below is my profile
1. Bachular degree in BE electrical from Anna University,Chennai.
3.Graduated in April 2013-full time
4.Underwent intern in Orchid pharma from May-july 2013(3 months)
My uncle currently works in singapore, he works in top most managerial position in an most prestigious firm.He assured me to get me a job in Oil&gas sector for sure. But I come to know that MOM,singapore started screening visas and passes more seriously. If i get 2200SGD pm, am i eligible to hold S pass???SAT test resulted "Im likely to eligible for S pass". But on the fresher basics will i get rejected???PLS DO SUGGEST YOUR OPINIONS!!![/i]
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