First off, the UK stats are derived from the British Crime Survey, a household survey carried out every 5 or so years in people's homes. It does not require that any
alleged crime happened, was reported, or prosecuted, or the perp found guilty. One's word is taken as honest and accurate.
Meanwhile (from the section re: rape in India, of the linked page):
'Sexual violence within marriage is common, with 25% of men admitting to forcing their wives or partners to have sex, in a survey by the Centre of Research on Women, US, and Instituto Promundon in Brazil.'
... so rape is 17 times more prevalent in the UK than India, despite India's above '25%' statistic?

How do you account for that?
From your linked article:
"United Kingdom is fifth at the world's rape list," it said.
"The number of rapes is more because many do not report," it added.
Heh? Can someone explain that?
"Ten per cent of women in the United Kingdom experience sexual victimisation," but "a third of Britons believe women are responsible for rape"
It's unclear how the two issues are tied together within the claimed statistics give.
In the response video, a selection of photographs, graphic statistics and clips from another BBC documentary, the producer claimed women in Britain "don't resist the rape so killing figures are a few."
Ah that ties with the mentality some say one can find in India, that all white women have an insatiable appetite for sex, even from complete strangers who assault them. Do they think British women 'Don't resist' because they're actually enjoying it? The logic of the latter, if it were true, would match the mentality required to believe the former.
The film also sought to make wider criticisms of British society -– ... "11 per cent population living under the poverty line"...
The 'poverty line' probably being a higher standard of living than 80% of the Indian population. For starters everyone is entitled (as a last resort) to be housed by the state. And similarly to receive welfare benefits. The poverty threshold is not met if you don't own a TV, whether you want one or not, and have access to broadband/+ internet, whether you want it or not. The definition is in fact manipulated as a political tool, and like the suggested 'rape' statistics, bears no resemblance in any way to what actual life is like.