Lost my phone the other night and replacement will not arrive until Tuesday. Apart from dealing with the red tape involved in replacing it the experience so far has been pretty liberating.
Some observations;
• For the first time in years I’m not instantly contactable
• Travelled home on the bus last night and apart from the girl sleeping in front of me was the only person, as far as I could see, not engrossed with an electronic screen
• JR8 will like the fact that I don’t walk into random people because I’m staring at a screen – actually that’s not really me
• There was a ping in a meeting today and I was the only one that didn’t need to check their phone
• My right pocket feels uncomfortably empty
• I’ll probably have no friends over the weekend
• I can’t instantly check some fact on the internet
• I don’t know anybody’s number
I could get used to this.