yah, sorry, I read too much into your implied words .. you are correct, I wrongly assumed you are mud slinging .. Apologies if I over-reacted ..kookaburrah wrote: Thanks zzm. Ecureilx, frankly I am perplexed - I keep saying I do not believe these fundraisers are illegal in any way. I have stressed, and will stress one more time, that I am sure they use the money in government approved ways.. You are running the risk of seeming either illiterate or obtuse.
What ticks me off are the swarms of fundraising children I get inflicted with every time I stick a foot out of the office. Clear enough?
No, I was going to suggest that maybe you have the kind of looks that attracts SPGs and the Tiger Stripes and the likes .. oh, well, I wouldn't want to know anyway ..I am actually quite curious about the look you mention - the i'm-free-with-my-wallet-come-get-my-money look. Is that a look you study for your charities?
And with that last statement of yours, again, I was wondering what you were implying, but then again, due to haze driven drop in my alertness, I will let it remain as whatever you imply.
No, I don't plan any fund raisers, or go on to give any strategic directions. I only assist when called upon to do so.
Sorry again, If I read too deep into your words.
PS: jonivefan's words .. regarding So this is another practice, perhaps unique to SG, that gripes OP. And to any charity organizers this should be an indication perhaps of how effective their methods really are vis-a-vis people like OP. As the situation stands, both parties are losers, one gets annoyed and the other doesn't get any donations. I had the privilege of working with a foreign Charity Organisation, and I was pretty impressed with their presentation material and brochures etc, and almost had a heart attack when I was told that 30% or more of their budget goes towards promotional material. Well, they did justify the 30% cost saying that it is money well spent, since fewer people question where the money is spent, with their impressive website, brochures and booklets. Money that helps allay the fears of those who wonder how much money is spent on what purpose ..
I rest my case ..