PNGMK wrote:The UK is going to switch to RHD under EU rules soon. Apparently the trucks will switch one week before the cars.
There have been a number of studies on this over the years, but the cost would be huge we are talking billions of pounds, all the buses will have to be changed, signs shifted, and the biggest cost would be digging up and changing all the slip roads on motorways. You have to also have to factor in the cost of fatalities, injuries during the transition period.
It can be done a number of countries have managed it, but it boils down to why and who will pay for it?
RE confusion over RHD and LHD, you have to go back to the early days of manual cars, in a RHD car you literally drive with your right hand on the steering wheel and your left on the gear knob same but opposite for LHD.
To solve the LHD RHD problem get a Maclaren F1 driver sits in the middle.
The left and right indicator stork is a still a pain, in the mini we have the switch its on the left and the Toyota its on the right.
At least these days they swap windscreen wipers, in the early days even though the car was RHD the wipers were designed for LHD, so you would always be hunched over like quasimodo trying to get a view through the clear arc on the window.
Though not as painful as motorbikes, on some bikes the brake is on the left while others its on the right!