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PEP Expires - Return on Social Visit Pass

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PEP Expires - Return on Social Visit Pass

Post by martincymru » Wed, 22 May 2013 5:57 pm

PEP expires 7th Aug 2013.
UK citizen.
Presently unemployed from April 10th 2013.
Actively trying to secure employment as employee in Singapore.

How can I maximise my stay in Singapore beyond the expiry date of my PEP to enable me a little more time to secure employment?

May I presume I simply cancel the PEP 5th Aug 2013 (date I am going for a 2 week holiday to Manila). I then simply come back in (19th Aug 2013) on the usual 30 day immigration card and ask for a 30 day extension online if need be and continue with the search.

Alternatively don't complicate matters by canceling the PEP, just leave on 5th Aug 2013 and come back in on the immigration card as above.

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Post by Wd40 » Wed, 22 May 2013 8:22 pm

Tricky question. The thing is when you cancel your PEP, at that point if you are in Singapore, you get a 30 day social visit visa, automatically. It might be difficult to extend this.

I think the best thing to do is go to Manila and then from there cancel your PEP, I think it automatically gets cancelled, even if you dont do anything, but just to make sure, everything gets closed in a clean manner, have your PEP cancelled immediately once you get to Manila and then when you are coming in on 19th Aug, you are on a clean slate.

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Post by joannajane » Thu, 23 May 2013 1:49 pm

All British Citizens should be given 90 days, but sometimes we are given 30 days upon entrance. I'd do what WD40 mentions and when you come back in, make sure you get a 90 day stamp.

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Post by martincymru » Sat, 25 May 2013 2:45 pm

Dear Wd40 and Joannajane,

How do I cancel the PEP whilst in Manila?

MOM told me (May 20th 2013) that if I wish to cancel PEP (say about 4th Aug 2013) then need to make an appointment wih MOM, they will cancel and give me 30 day extension letter which I give to immigration on exit (5 Aug 2013). I do not keep said letter. When I come back in (19 Aug 2013) I have to fill in the immigration card anyway. So I am back to square one!

ICA took a different view. Lady at counter said just go out on 5th Aug, say and do nothing and then come in on 19th Aug with the normal immigration card. I prefer this approach assuming that the PEP just cancels itself so to speak at expiry on 7 Aug 2013. Does anyone have direct experience of this?

Of course, "advice" at the counter(s) and reality may be different, hence my concern.

Question: is it ok to put "90 days" as my intended stay on the white immigration card?

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Post by Wd40 » Sat, 25 May 2013 4:18 pm

The PEP can be cancelled online:
Have a read through this: ... ation.aspx

I think it doesnt make much difference whichever method you choose.
But personally I feel comfortable to leave the country with the green pass, rather than "using" the 30 day short term visa. Reason being, if you cancel your PEP while in the country then immigration knows you are leaving for good and hence they might ask you for tax clearance etc.

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Post by martincymru » Mon, 27 May 2013 9:04 am

Thanks Wd40.

1. Tax clearance already nailed; my ex employer held back last months' salary so no issue there.

2. I agree (I think), best to go out with the green pass (PEP).

3. But you cannot cancel (say on 8 Aug) a PEP that has already expired (7 Aug)? That would be illogical.

4. Hence no need to log on to MOM, post the card back etc. I do nothing and just come back in on 19th Aug. on the immigration card. Not really sure what I do with the expired PEP card; maybe just bin it?

5. Do you agree with my final sentence (point No. 4) in the sense of being a reasonable approach?

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Mon, 27 May 2013 11:08 am

Any residency visa (Physical card) should be returned to MOM/ICA upon cancellation. In fact, I believe it's required to be returned within 7 days of cancellation, but what penalties/hard time they could give you I'm not sure of. I know we, as employers are required to collect employment visas and return them to MOM. I would assume the PEP would be the same. I don't see how it makes too much difference but I think, just to be on the safe side, it would make sense to post it back to them. It would be hell if you didn't and they flagged your Passport and then wouldn't allow you to have anymore than a 30 days tourist visa without the possibility of extension. (Easily enough done considering the computer system they are using now).

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Post by Wd40 » Mon, 27 May 2013 2:25 pm

I agree with SMS. The least you should do is just keep the card with you, maybe as a souvenir, haha. But dont bin it. But seriously, yes just mail it to them when you come back into the country.

Regarding cancellation of pass( v/s letting it expire). I prefer cancelling it myself, even if it is on the same day of the pass expiry. Reason being, atleast you are doing it pro-actively and it will tell you exactly what next steps are.
When you let it cancel by itself, you are not sure, exactly what the status is and what you need to do.

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Post by martincymru » Mon, 27 May 2013 5:51 pm

Thanks guys, I will take the advice and cancel pro-actively so when I come back in it's a clean slate so to speak.

Post is therefore closed for now (from my perspective as the OP).

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Post by JR8 » Mon, 27 May 2013 8:53 pm

Why so complicated.

When you leave SG for the last time, just hand any 'cards' to ICA at the border on your way out...

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Post by martincymru » Sat, 01 Jun 2013 4:14 pm

JR8, As I understand if you wish to cancel the PEP then you have to follow protocol ie complete the online cancellation. Therefore simply passing the card to immigration on my way out (at same time informing then verbally to cancel 'cos I am not coming back) may be deemed procedurally incorrect.

It's a fair point you make though and I will check with MOM this week.

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Post by JR8 » Sat, 01 Jun 2013 6:02 pm

martincymru wrote:JR8, As I understand if you wish to cancel the PEP then you have to follow protocol ie complete the online cancellation. Therefore simply passing the card to immigration on my way out (at same time informing then verbally to cancel 'cos I am not coming back) may be deemed procedurally incorrect.

It's a fair point you make though and I will check with MOM this week.

Ah I see, I speak from experience of holding an LTVP card, and surrendering it at Changi (to ICA), upon 'final' departure.

It's not a particularly pleasant feeling; physically having to give up something you have likely gone to a great deal of trouble to acquire.

I'd be interested to hear what the procedure is re: your PEP.

Good luck.

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