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Child Psychologist Recommendation

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Child Psychologist Recommendation

Post by snowqueen » Thu, 16 May 2013 10:16 am

My son has been having some behavioral issues in school lately, and I suppose at home too. It's usually be put down to typical pre-school boy behavior but in spite of any interventions so far, he's not improving. He has regular tantrums in school (throws chairs/tables, rips charts etc off walls), doesn't pay attention and doesn't play well with others and often hits/pushes his friends.

I'm afraid we may need to see a specialist to find out if there are ways we can work on this at home, or if he needs to work with a professional.

Does anyone have a Dr they can recommend who deals with this type of behavior in pre-school age children.

Many thanks in advance.

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Thu, 16 May 2013 11:05 am

Have you had him checked for ADHD? ... d-SGH.aspx

Or it might just be a phase he's going through. Has he changed schools or been moved between schools/town/countries recently?

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Post by snowqueen » Tue, 21 May 2013 3:22 pm

No, he's been at the same school for 2.5 years. I think in the past it has mainly been put down to typical 'toddler' behavior but now he's older and should be more aware of his actions, it seems to be more obvious.

He doesn't want to socialise with friends, would rather play on his own and doesn't get involved in circle time, or situations when he should be sitting down and listening. When I went to collect him from school today, he was the only one not sitting down for story time, he was playing on his own on the other side of the room. This isn't a one off unfortunately.

Although the school isn't putting a badge on it, they keep referring to him as having 'behavioral issues'. I would like to get him looked at now, just in case.

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Post by PPO » Tue, 25 Jun 2013 10:38 am

My son had similiar behaviours showing at 3.5 yr old and it took 4 years fo assesssment and treatment to get ADHD as current diagnosis.
We have just moved to Singapore and our Australian specialist has mentioned Dr Ian Munt at Sanrise Clinic. I just called them and got an appointment in Aug.
With these type of problems it is best to get treatment sooner than later as ohter kids can be quite horrible to kids that display out of the norm behaviours at school/day care.

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Post by katbh » Tue, 25 Jun 2013 11:16 am

Is his reading up to par? My son is very energetic, not destructive, but would not sit still, walks around the class room etc. He was found to be dyslexic and to cover this he became the class clown and jumps around so he does not have to work and does not have to show he finds it difficult. He is also just a typical energetic boy. Do not jump to ADHD unless you have to - let boys be boys. But yes of course, sometimes it is more than this.
Dr Inez Perera on Bukit Timah Road ( 6474 7552) is very very good. No fuss, will not jump to conclusions or take the easy drug solution. She tries to get to the root of things with no fuss - thus not giving the child or parents and excuse. But solving problems where they can be solved with common sense and talk.
Good luck

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Post by PPO » Tue, 25 Jun 2013 12:31 pm

My son is excelling in maths and science but struggles with writing and his reading has gotten so much better. He does still mix letter the wrong way round and his writing in not legible. he has combined ADHD and cannot sit still for a few minutes.His classroeom time was very difficult but we have worked with an Occupation therapist and various other experts and have found ltos of ways ot manage his need ot move about and constantly play with objects like pnecils,rubbers etc. The biggest issue is attention span and ways to keep them engaged.
I agree about boys will be boys but as a mother you know when something is not right and I have had 4 years of fighting (in Australia) for my sons right to be helped. We have doe nthe behavioural management,food diets etc and we are now on the GAPS prgramme but I definaty feel food ahs a huge impact on kids behaviour.Our current program has left our son drug free but a lot calmer,relaxed and more focused and we still ahve a fw months to go. Medical people do nto always listne and understand and soem can be downright unhelpful. We found a great supprot network of experts and it has greatly helped our son especailly with his schooling. Unfortuently I am at day one to start this all over again here in Singapore.

Is his reading up to par? My son is very energetic, not destructive, but would not sit still, walks around the class room etc. He was found to be dyslexic and to cover this he became the class clown and jumps around so he does not have to work and does not have to show he finds it difficult. He is also just a typical energetic boy. Do not jump to ADHD unless you have to - let boys be boys. But yes of course, sometimes it is more than this.
Dr Inez Perera on Bukit Timah Road ( 6474 7552) is very very good. No fuss, will not jump to conclusions or take the easy drug solution. She tries to get to the root of things with no fuss - thus not giving the child or parents and excuse. But solving problems where they can be solved with common sense and talk.
Good luck

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