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by BedokAmerican » Sat, 27 Apr 2013 10:23 pm
This might sound obvious, but bring lots of clothes and a variety of sizes because baby clothes are much more pricey here. Bring extra crib sheets also.
Also, buy a lot of large boxes of your favorite diapers. Pampers swaddlers aren't available here and there's no Costco or Sam's Club here and online shopping (Amazon) isn't widely available. The largest pack of diapers I've seen is a 76-pack, but most come in packs of 30-60. The only diapers with wetness indicators I've found here are the Babies R Us brand but they're only sold in packs of 40 here for $11.95 SG.
If you plan to breastfeed, bring over your own pump and a voltage converter and plug converter and be sure and have extra pump parts and collection containers and milk storage bags. A Medela freestyle (I think) won't require a converter but the others probably will. Pumps are available here but they'll cost a fortune. Freestyle pumps cost almost $1,000SG (est $800USD). Medela Pump-in-style $750SG (est$600USD). Medela Swing $350SG (est $280USD). In the US they run about $400 freestyle, $300 PIS and $160 swing. I used a swing pump from the US for occassional pumping which worked just fine here. I didn't formula feed so I'm not too familiar with brands here, but I've seen cans of it priced as high as $100SG each.
Also, bring lots of the microwavable steamer bags (made by Munchkin, Medela, and others) because dishwashers aren't common here. The steam bags are easier than boiling baby stuff like pacifiers and pump parts and bottles. They're available in US at Walgreens, Walmart and similar places. They'll cost $5.99-9.99 per 5-pk in the states. They'll cost $25-30 here.
If you have a baby swing or a saucer or jumperoo, bring that because they cost an arm and a leg here. Even if you buy one used here, it'll still cost you more or as much as a new one in the US. Do a Craigslist Singapore search for the baby/kid list and you'll see.