1. I would start with replacing (cleaning the electrodes, adjusting the gap) the spark plug.Vara125SG wrote:Dear contributors to the forum,
I am the owner of a Varadero 125 and I face an issue similar as the one described in these posts, hence I hope that maybe you could give me a valuable feedback/pieces of advice.
My problem is the following: When I don’t drive my Varadero for 1 or 2 days, I cannot start the engine any more (it works only with push start).
The battery was changed less than one month ago, but the problem remains.
Would you have any idea what could happen?
I suspect the IU might drain off the battery (my current cashcard value is low at 5.5$: can it be a cause even if I take it away when I park?), or maybe a short circuit/loose connexion somewhere?
I drove the bike to the repair shop but they want to keep it several days to do full testing, and they mentioned possible repairs (magnetic coil, and/or others) of more than 300$ which is a lot compared to the bike’s value. They told me that the battery and the charging were OK.
Or do you have any suggestion of a repair shop that could conduct quick/inexpensive tests?
Thank you very much in advance
2. Checking all spark plug related cables and connectors would be my 2nd choice. Yes, it could be something wrong with the ignition coil too.
2. With the cashcard at $5.5, are you serious?
3. Generally, if the failure is due to the battery you will see the starter struggling to turn the engine, the lights including the headlights and control lights will be dimmed for the time you turn the keys etc., but if the rest of the components are healthy, even such mis-behaving battery is often enough to kick it started.
4. BTW, if it doesn't start immediately, resist the temptation to turn the throttle - flooding the engine won't help.