Walk on the left. Do not move. A runner or bike rider or whatever needs to predict your movements to pass them and the more static your path, the easier to predict. Next time that happens confront her and point out that she, as the fast moving item, needs to move past or around you and that the convention here is to walk on the left.NorrinRadd wrote:Today - Me and mine walking along a popular river walk where there are always many walkers and runners.
Respecting others, we walk on the far left. Coming up on us from the opposite direction is a WWR, 60-ish, coming straight for us. We stay to the left, there is room on the right, muddy grass on the left. She comes right up to us, causing me to stop walking or run into her, she acquiesces, runs around us to the right, and bellows "oh gawd!", looking back on us in anger.
We shrug our heads and keep moving.
Posting this as there are recent postings about some run-ins with women aggressively pushing prams.
Back to the original question - should we walk on the left or right here, or just haphazardly?
Is there a guideline for running versus walking? I.e. walk with traffic, run against traffic?
Some of these women can be somewhat arrogant.
Not one one or two occasions, this seems endemic with Western women here.
One is passive stupidity from people not taking things seriously enough, the other not so passive misplaced aggression from people taking themselves too seriously.scarbowl wrote:So can I now complain about the exceedingly slow Asian men & women walkers who show no evidence they are aware of anything around them?
Minor difference but similar effects. Both are annoying and I run into the slow walkers much more often than the aggressive runner.Brah wrote:One is passive stupidity from people not taking things seriously enough, the other not so passive misplaced aggression from people taking themselves too seriously.scarbowl wrote:So can I now complain about the exceedingly slow Asian men & women walkers who show no evidence they are aware of anything around them?
Oh the stopping and ..... nothing... I've just given up and give them a shove now. No wonder they hate us.Hannieroo wrote:Meanderthals and people who stop dead in front of you are annoying. But better on foot if they drive the same way.
I think runners in general are rude, it's not race or sex, it's an arrogance felt because they are doing something and you are merely walking. The ones that just like to run back and forth between two points are particularly bad.
That's a good one! I've always called them walkers.Hannieroo wrote:Meanderthals
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