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Aircon servicing in singapore... Is it standard practice?

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Saw Solomon
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Aircon servicing in singapore... Is it standard practice?

Post by Saw Solomon » Sun, 07 Apr 2013 9:05 pm

I wonder this is the standard practice in Singapore regarding general servicing: The people come and service only the indoor unit(s) but not the outdoor compressor.

I searched on the net and found many of company offer the general service on indoor units with how much they charge but excluding the compressor service. It's like there will be additional charge for compressor servicing.

I have rented the house near simei that require air con general servicing. I call the company without checking with them thinking that they will check and service indoor units as well as out door unit. After serving the indoor units they were preparing to leave. I was asking them how about out door compressor. They say no need since it's hard to get faulty. I said how come? We have a few argument but I can manage to ask them to check the gas but I still not satisfied since they return my question of "How about the coil-whether it is leaking". They said how to check?

I wonder if it is a standard practice in Singapore for servicing only the indoor unit but not out door compressor.

Boy.... if that is the case, I would say its totally useless. Let's use our common sense.

Let me ask what primary source make the room to be cooled. You know the answer... of course not the indoor units. So what the point for servicing only the indoor units but leave the compressor as secondary case as it may be serviced only when it is needed.

My point is... No matter how you service the indoor unit completely, that's does not make sense as long as you do nothing with compressor. Again, please don't tell me it's hard to get faulty. I know we all will satisfy the service as long as our air conditioning are working fine. But technically, the service is not accomplish.

I invite you guys come forwards to respond to this post as if I miss some point. You may agree or not to agree.

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Post by offshoreoildude » Sun, 07 Apr 2013 9:08 pm

The indoor unit (evaporator) is "serviced" as it is the component that has the most mould/dust and crap build up in the fins and H2O discharge.

The compressor unit IME is only serviced when it fails. You can usually ask them to clean the fins and check the gas levels but there is little servicable it' usually ignored until it fails.

This is the normal practice here.
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Post by BillyB » Mon, 08 Apr 2013 11:38 am

You're probably right, and, yes (from experience), the outdoor unit is only usually checked if there is a fault.

I've had about 15 aircon services done, with only 1 problem to-date - leaking water. The servicer scratched his head and couldn't fix it and then climbed out onto a ledge and started smashing the outdoor unit with a hammer! It did the job......

I wouldn't stress too much about it - it's common practice to just do the internal units. If the outdoor unit needed regular servicing, they'd find a way to make money from that, believe me!

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