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Canada vs Singapore lifestyle

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Canada vs Singapore lifestyle

Post by vink2 » Sun, 31 Mar 2013 4:46 pm

I like to know lots about countries and compare them, but I don't have intention either to move to Canada or retire in Singapore. Just interesting to compare this two countries. I have never been in Canada though.

I just came through this article: ... apore.html

The guys says uncovers lots of interesting points:
a) The gov substitutes retires in Canada, not the case in Singapore to my knowledge.
b) Expenses are very small
c) He enjoys the country. Well, Canada is large and I believe it has lots of place to explore.

What do you think about Canada compare to Singapore? I visited Australia only, but didn't like it too much, but lots of people says that they are very similar.


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Post by Wd40 » Sun, 31 Mar 2013 5:11 pm

As an Indian, I prefer Singapore to Canada. Reasons:
1)Travelling to India,even once a year, cost $1500 from Tiger airways for a family of 3. From Canada it will cost $6000++ and not to mention the amount of time lost

2)Climate is more or less similar between Singapore and India. Canada is alien.

3)I like the sense of lack of space in Singapore. It means that lot of people live close together and you dont feel lonely. Its easy to make friends and lots of Indians here so my wife has lots of Indian friends in our HDB block itself so she doesnt miss India that much. Canada is going to feel so alien with shops everything getting closed after 5 pm. gloomy, snowy weather and loneliness could easily lead to depression.

4)Canada has more equitable income i.e. low end jobs are paid quite well and high end jobs are paid not that different from low end jobs i.e. the income disparity is low. So if you are low skill you should pick Canada. As an IT worker I can earn 100K in Singapore and pay low taxes. In Canada, I will probably make 100K as well but pay 30% in taxes :o

5)Retirement is still very very far, cant really comment.

Finally I believe in destiny. It was Singapore that chose me and I didnt choose Singapore and we like it so far and we are not going fix something that ain't broken :wink:

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Post by offshoreoildude » Sun, 31 Mar 2013 5:23 pm

Comparing Canada, a country that is huge - to a nation city state is slightly absurd.

Canada will be still Canada long after Singapore has sunk beneath the waves.

Saying that though I'd never live in Canada - 'ey?
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Post by nakatago » Sun, 31 Mar 2013 6:10 pm

offshoreoildude wrote: Singapore has sunk beneath the waves. ... mable.html

Read the comic book series. It was awesome.

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Re: Canada vs Singapore lifestyle

Post by Strong Eagle » Mon, 01 Apr 2013 6:54 am

vink2 wrote:What do you think about Canada compare to Singapore?
It snows a helluva lot less in Singapore.

There was a man from Quebec,
Who was stuck in snow to his neck.
They said, "Are your friz?"
He said, "Yes, I is."
"But they don't call this cold in Quebec."

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Post by Wd40 » Mon, 01 Apr 2013 8:04 am

offshoreoildude wrote:Comparing Canada, a country that is huge - to a nation city state is slightly absurd.

Canada will be still Canada long after Singapore has sunk beneath the waves.

Saying that though I'd never live in Canada - 'ey?

Toronto is the most livable city there. So you can consider it as a Singapore v/s Toronto comparison. I would choose Singapore.

There was a time some 8 years back when I was crazy about going to a developed country to do an MBA and I was quite focused on Canada and did a helluva lot of research on it. There was also a xenophobic website called, its down now.

Its funny back then I had considered US, Canada, Australia,NZ and the UK to do an MBA and make it big and eventually I dropped that idea as it was way too risky. I hadn't even given Singapore a thought, even though I knew NUS and NTU, but Singapore back then was considered as not such a glamorous developed location.

Even now Singapore is counted in the same breath as Malaysia, Thailand or the Middle eastern countries, by Indians. It simply isn't treated on par with the rest of the developed world as location of choice to emigrate. Most people who are here are as a matter of accident rather than by choice. :)

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Post by the lynx » Mon, 01 Apr 2013 9:12 am

Wd40 wrote:Most people who are here are as a matter of accident rather than by choice. :)
Not from what I see in this forum. And and

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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 01 Apr 2013 9:31 am

Wd40 wrote: Toronto is the most livable city there.
And on what basis do you make this entirely factual statement? It's the capital? It's the biggest? It's features in the most bollywood movies? :roll: :roll:

Canada is loaded with lots of large cities, and has a much more diverse economy. If you like Singapore a lot, you'll like it more than Canada as Canada has nothing like it. If you prefer 'the west' to Singapore, you'll like Canada more. If you have no emotional attachment to either and are just looking for an ideal place to retire, you wouldn't be looking at either of them.

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Post by Wd40 » Mon, 01 Apr 2013 9:50 am

the lynx wrote:
Wd40 wrote:Most people who are here are as a matter of accident rather than by choice. :)
Not from what I see in this forum. And and
"Most" is the keyword here. In ExpatForum did you compare the number of Indians asking questions about relocating to US, CN,UK, AU, NZ vs Singapore? You will get the hang of it.
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Post by Wd40 » Mon, 01 Apr 2013 9:59 am

zzm9980 wrote:
Wd40 wrote: Toronto is the most livable city there.
And on what basis do you make this entirely factual statement? It's the capital? It's the biggest? It's features in the most bollywood movies? :roll: :roll:

Canada is loaded with lots of large cities, and has a much more diverse economy. If you like Singapore a lot, you'll like it more than Canada as Canada has nothing like it. If you prefer 'the west' to Singapore, you'll like Canada more. If you have no emotional attachment to either and are just looking for an ideal place to retire, you wouldn't be looking at either of them.
Its the southern most big city and hence climatewise is best among the worst. Also its the financial capital of Canada and if you have to choose 1 city in Canada, Toronto will be it and hence I picked it up for OSOD to compare, a city with a city.

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Post by Sergei82 » Mon, 01 Apr 2013 10:27 am

Wd40 wrote:...MBA...
And doing MBA or PhD in a normal institution in SG is making less and less sense, unless you become at least PR (COST/quality!!!)

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Post by zzm9980 » Mon, 01 Apr 2013 11:26 am

Wd40 wrote: Its the southern most big city and hence climatewise is best among the worst. Also its the financial capital of Canada and if you have to choose 1 city in Canada, Toronto will be it and hence I picked it up for OSOD to compare, a city with a city.
Montreal and Toronto both have rather similar climates. Vancouver is much nicer. I'm curious how many Canadian cities you've visited and how long you've stayed, or is this similar to me looking at Google maps and Wikipedia and judging Indian cities?

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Mon, 01 Apr 2013 1:07 pm

zzm9980 wrote:
Wd40 wrote: Its the southern most big city and hence climatewise is best among the worst. Also its the financial capital of Canada and if you have to choose 1 city in Canada, Toronto will be it and hence I picked it up for OSOD to compare, a city with a city.
Montreal and Toronto both have rather similar climates. Vancouver is much nicer. I'm curious how many Canadian cities you've visited and how long you've stayed, or is this similar to me looking at Google maps and Wikipedia and judging Indian cities?

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Post by Addadude » Mon, 01 Apr 2013 1:57 pm

I'm just dumbfounded by the idea of actually choosing Singapore as a place to live out your retirement...
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Post by BedokAmerican » Mon, 01 Apr 2013 4:21 pm

Canada is more socially liberal in many ways than Singapore. That could be seen as good or bad depending on your views. For instance, slavery isn't allowed and there are minimum wage laws (no paying maids $1-$2 per hr) and anti-discrimination laws.

Also, you can go grocery shopping and clothes shopping and still have money left over. The prices at the stores there aren't as exorbitant....and most likely, the people who work in the stores will actually be able to help you find things!!

Of course, there's the change of seasons other posters mentioned, so you'd have to have more than one wardrobe, but at least clothes are affordable. Clothes are so darn expensive at most stores in Singapore, I'm surprised more people don't walk around in their underwear in protest.

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