For heavens sake stop reapplying every 6 months and get the message from the Govt. You make the rest of your countrymen look so pathetic.
You are so young and India has so much opportunity, if you do the maths at SGD 50K salary you simply wont save enough in the long run. Singapore gets very expensive for foreigners once you have kids and the Govt is making it difficult by the day.
property prices have sky rocketed beyond the reach of the average person.
When I left India almost 20years ago Singapore salaries were 10x of India. Its simply not the case now. My nephews in India are already earning about SGD 35-40K in India with similar qualifications as you stated. They haven't taken offers of SGD 80K in Singapore because after deducting costs there simply no savings to be had.
Please do your maths before you go begging for PR, remember you commit any future sons to NS without any assurance that you will be given Citizenship.