roisss wrote:Hi All,
Need some help of below enquiries. Currently thinking to bring my mom to Singapore since she staying alone at Malaysia now. I am a pr. My questions are
1) is there any suggestion of pass i should recommend for her?
2) And is the pass allow her to work full time/part time at Singapore.
Please advice
I've witnessed something not entirely dissimilar within my own family - one of my siblings in village#A, with spouse and children. Our parents moved right across the country to neighbouring village#B with the intention that 'If we move there we can help with school-runs (drive to/from school), shopping, errands, house-sitting etc. 'Then when the times comes when we need assistance ('old age') we are nearby and can rely on getting help'. The idea was that they'd move young enough to build a new social life.
It was a bold and considered plan. But people behave socially, in a very different way over on the other side of the country. There is no/nil 'dinner party circuit', as there was where they came from.
Ten years down the line I can see the unintended consequences. Whereas they used to be incredibly social people, always involved in sports, neighbourhood activities, and out with friends and partying. That's all stopped. My dad hasn't played golf once since they moved, or been shooting, and neither has my mother been hunting, volunteered for 'Meals on Wheels', been a volunteer and flower-arranger at the local church and so on and so on... ... ...
They have no 'real friends' where they are now (they did have one, but he just recently passed away). And their real friends are back on the other side of the country (almost totally impractical to go and visit).
They have (IMHO) become introverted and anxious/angry - inwards looking and bitter. 95% of their daily focus is on my sisters family. How she puts up with it I do not know!
The point of my writing this is: Be careful what you wish for. For both your and your mother's sakes.
I'd suggest that you try and get her down for say 3 months. Or long enough for any honeymoon-period to be over. Then let her return home... and then after perhaps a month, consider your respective wishes and options afresh.
Best of luck.