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by JR8 » Sun, 03 Mar 2013 5:56 am
Ok. So your landlord ‘promised’ a washer/dryer, and all you have is a washer.
- Most people do not use dryers in Singapore, IME. Singaporeans tend to wash clothes, and then peg them on laundry poles, indoors or outdoors, and then only when bone dry put them in wardrobes. Any dampness at all, and clothes will fester/rot in wardrobes [heck, they seem to do that anyway!]. So a clothes dryer is by no means a panacea at all, you’d be doing contrary to what the locals do, so consider carefully if that is worthwhile (‘When in Rome’ etc].
- The landlord might have had a washer/dryer previously, and might have later replaced it with just a washer, and inadvertently forgotten to change his boiler-plate tenancy agreement. What I’m implying, is as a starting point assume it it is an accidental oversight, rather than an attempt to deceive.
- I believe that there should also have been some onus on you whilst viewing the flat, to look at the appliances, and figure out what they are. You know: ‘Let the buyer beware’, but lets leave that for now...
- ‘You pay so much money’ = irrelevant.
- The landlord demanding a dryer back when you leave is a more valid concern. The inventory should carry the brand and model number for this purpose, so there is nil risk of confusion. i.e. Not a 'washer and separate drye'r. But a 'Bosch W1234 washing machine and Bosch D1234 clothes dryer'.
Forget lawyers, they will only stoke a huge fight that will P off your landlord for ever (and he will get his own back on you, trust me). Just approach him and say something like: ‘Hi Mr. Landlord, when we rented the flat it was advertised as having a washing machine and clothes dryer. But it doesn’t have the dryer. This is a real shame, as this is something that appealed to us and would be very useful, want to make us stay for a long time.
I’m sure you didn’t realise that the advert/inventory was wrong (perhaps you used to have a dryer). But we were wondering whether you would be able to provide us with a dryer, and it would be something very useful to us, and it would make our stay more comfortable.
Look forward to hearing from you, many thanks.
Got it? Respectful, presume an innocent mistake, nice and easy and friendly does it, suggest a simple resolution that you infer will likely work to his advantage too...