The last time I was in Sydney, I remember the beers were sold within the range of AUD7 to 9 per bottle...JR8 wrote:Ah good link, I forgot about that site!
[Can I suggest it is linked somewhere, as AFAICS, it is in neither the forum FAQ or SMS's list of useful sites?]
p.s. Is beer really more expensive in Aus than SG?
JR8 wrote:Ah good link, I forgot about that site!
[Can I suggest it is linked somewhere, as AFAICS, it is in neither the forum FAQ or SMS's list of useful sites?]
p.s. Is beer really more expensive in Aus than SG?
But I'm trying to compare apples with apples, and trying to avoid any variable. I hadn't thought it would prove such a challenge.Wd40 wrote:I would say comparing Hoegarden's price may not be the right thing to do. Hoegarden is considered premium in SG. You must compare SG's bread and butter beer(Tiger and Carlsberg) with Australia's bread and butter beer
I would say comparing a particular brand in different countries wouldn't be comparing apples to apples. Since demand and supply economics come into picture.JR8 wrote:But I'm trying to compare apples with apples, and trying to avoid any variable. I hadn't thought it would prove such a challenge.Wd40 wrote:I would say comparing Hoegarden's price may not be the right thing to do. Hoegarden is considered premium in SG. You must compare SG's bread and butter beer(Tiger and Carlsberg) with Australia's bread and butter beer
p.s. Actually now you mention it, yes perhaps Tiger and Fosters are equally as undrinkable!
JR8 wrote:Thanks Nak,
I tried the find some more everyday brands to compare, but the bottles/cans/pack-sizes all seem to vary, I ended up almost seeing double.
Finally I think I found something close...
Woolworth - Aus
Hoegarden wheat beer 330ml bottle A$4.42 each
A 4-pack S$17.27, or S$4.32 each
With the FX conversion A$1 = S$1.26
Therefore: 4.42*1.26 = S$4.32
5.57/4.32 = The Aussie bottle is 29% more expensive that the SGn one.
Wow, who'd have thunk!
If anyone can do a similar comparison between a global brand, something like Heineken or Carlsberg, I'd be interested to see it.
Code: Select all
# per purchase Oz Singas
1 5.20 6.40
4 pack 5.20 3.61
6 pack 4.16 4.54 (buy a 4 pack + 2 more bottles)
24 pack 2.79 3.61 (buy 6 4 packs)
While popular in many countries, particularly where it is brewed locally, Foster's Lager does not enjoy widespread success in Australia
So VB is Foster's after allThe Foster's Group has tended to promote the brands of Carlton Draught (mainstream market) and Victoria Bitter (working class male market)
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